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Each event can have its own ruleset, which can be based on a standard ruleset with additional tweaks.

Standard Ruleset

This is a WIP standard ruleset.


  • Matches must be scheduled by the event organizer.
  • If the match has not started within 10 minutes of the scheduled time, one or both teams may be disqualified.
    • If either team does not show up, they are disqualified.
    • If either team has 3 or less players, they are disqualified.
    • If either team has client-side technical difficulties preventing them from being able to play, they are disqualified.
  • If a match is not being played on stream, both teams may agree to play it before the scheduled time.
    • They must notify the event organizer that the match will be played ahead of schedule before starting the game.
  • If both teams wish to delay or reschedule a match, they must contact the event organizer.
    • The event organizer may approve or deny this request at their discretion.

Starting a Match

Establish Contact

  • The team captains must make contact with each other. This is often done through discord.
    • If a team captain is unavailable, another player on the team may temporarily assume the role of captain.
  • If the match is being played on stream, the team captains must also make contact with observers.

Coin Flip

Strike Maps

Draft Heroes

Use a site like Gigantic Drafter to pick heroes. Ideally one team captain should share their screen with the other as they proceed through the draft.

Create Custom Game Lobby

  • Create a Custom Game lobby in Gigantic.
  • Invite all players and observers.
    • Only neutral event or broadcasting staff should be observing a game.
    • Friends of one team or the other are not allowed as they may use observer mode to pass information to their favored team, creating an unfair advantage.
  • Ask if teams and observers are ready.
    • Both team captains and all observers must acknowledge that they are ready before the match begins.
  • Start the match.

Playing a Match

A match can be restarted once within the first 3 minutes for any of the following reasons:

  • Players on incorrect teams.
    • If this happens a second time, the team hosting the lobby loses the match.
  • One or more players/observers disconnected.
    • If this happens a second time, the match must proceed, even if it is a different player than the first disconnect.

Screenshot End Screen

Once a match is complete, both team captains should take a screenshot of the end screen, in order to have a record of the result.

Playing a Series

In a multi-game series, such as Best of 3 or Best of 5, the next maps are picked as follows.

  • The winners of the last match may strike up to 2 maps.
  • The losers of the last match may select the map for the next match from those remaining.
    • They may not select a map they have previously won a game on in this series, unless the other team acknowledges that it is outside the rules and agrees to it.
    • If the other team does not explicitly acknowledge that it is outside the rules, then the team that chose the map loses the game.
  • Hero selection and lobby creation proceed as normal.
  • If a team is disqualified from a single match in the series, they may still play additional matches in the series.
    • For example if one team is late to the first match, they may be disqualified from it, giving their opponents the win for game 1.
      • If they are able to get their team to show up for the second match, they may play out the rest of the series as normal.
  • A series ends as soon as one team achieves the needed number of wins.
    • A Best of 3 series ends when a team achieves 2 wins (2-1 or 2-0).
    • A Best of 5 series ends when a team achieves 3 wins (3-2, 3-1, or 3-0).

Reporting Results

Once a series is complete, the winning team must report results to the event organizer.

  • Send screenshots of the end screens for each match played, along with a final tally (ex. 2-1).