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These maps support regular play for both Clash Mode and Rush Mode matches.

Name Image Minimap Clash Rush
Ember Grove Map lobby wizardwoods.jpg LV WIZARDWOODS 1.png LV WIZARDWOODS 1 Clash.png
Ghost Reef Map lobby canyon.jpg LV CANYON 1.png LV CANYON 1 Clash.png
Heaven's Ward Map lobby skycity.jpg LV SkyCity 1.png LV SkyCity 1 Clash.png
Picaro Bay Map lobby modcity.jpg LV ModCity 1.png LV ModCity 1 Clash.png
Sanctum Falls Map lobby mistforge.jpg LV mistforge 1.png LV mistforge 1 Clash.png
Siren's Strand Map lobby valley.jpg LV valley 1.png LV valley 1 Clash.png

Single Player

These maps are only used for single player experiences.

Name Image Minimap
Practice Arena
Tutorial Map


These maps were in development but never released.

Name Image Minimap
Ghost Reef (Night)