The Wizards Trial

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The Wizards Trial is a monthly tournament series hosted by Illuzion Gaming, featuring separate tournaments for NA and EU.


  • Double Elimination
  • Winners R1 is Bo1, rest is Bo3
  • Map one in a series is chosen by a banning phase back and forth until only one map is left. Higher seed bans first.
  • After map 1, the losing team chooses the next map. You cannot play the same map twice in a series.
  • Higher seed hosts game 1 (Unless both teams agree on a specific host with the best setup). Losing team hosts next game.
  • Team comps are chosen through a draft app. <- for now. With the higher seed picking first.
    • Mirrors are allowed.
    • Each team gets one ban.
  • Players from any region are allowed to play in both NA and EU however the host of the lobby must always correlate to the region of that tournament.
  • The top 3 teams qualify for The Wizards Summer Invitational on 8/3 (NA) and 8/10 (EU) that will have a prize pool in a small bo5 tournament featuring top level qualified teams.
    • In order to claim at least 3 of the players from the qualified team need to be on the roster in the invitational.
  • Due to current bugs:
    • Roland has to use slug shot build path
    • Kajir poison cloud upgrade is banned
    • Rutger cannot be played with Sven, Aisling, Zandora, or Vadasi
    • Anyone seen using a bugged build, with proof, will have to forfeit that map.


Saturday May 4th, 2024, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST and Sunday May 5th, 2024, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST
The Wizards Trial NA 1

  • Monthly NA tournament of The Wizards Trial series hosted by Illuzion Gaming with double elimination bracket, multi-match sets, and hero drafting.
  • Signups: Closed
  • Bracket:
  • Organizer: Dave

Saturday May 11th, 2024, 3:00 PM UTC
The Wizards Trial EU 1

  • Monthly EU tournament of The Wizards Trial series hosted by Illuzion Gaming with double elimination bracket, multi-match sets, and hero drafting.
  • Signups: Closed
  • Bracket:
  • Organizer: Dave