Weekly Fortunes Rotation

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Every week 3 weekly fortunes are active from the pool of 37 weekly fortunes.

Week 13 - (June 26th - July 3rd)

Play 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns300
""Their spies should know we're up to something by now, so I expect them to be busy trying to secure their rear. They'll never expect a direct attack. Now go, get me the Hierophant!" - Lady Devaedra"
Card border common.png
Fc betrayal common.png
Win 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns500
Grenn tore through the buildings like they were wet paper boxes. With a smirking rage in his eyes, he headed straight for the grand temple of House Aurion. Nothing could stop him.
Card border rare.png
Fc betrayal rare.png
Win 3 matches with Xenobia
Reward: Crowns800
""This pretend peace. Politics. Compromise. It has made them complacent. Time for a new ruler to step up." - Lady Devaedra"
Card border legendary.png
Fc betrayal legendary.png

Deal 50,000 total damage
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
The Imperial Council is made up of the three Great Houses: Aurion, Karakesh and Devaedra. It was formed to prevent further wars between the houses and to form a stronger coalition against outside threats.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Deal 150,000 total damage
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
In reality the Council was little more than a facade. It led to fewer open conventional wars, but gave rise to unconventional warfare, assassinations, extortions, and all sorts of back-room deals.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Deal 400,000 total damage
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
The Hierophant's connection with the Eternals was ultimately what held the Empire together. It also allowed House Aurion to keep its place at the top of the food chain.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Apply 200 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
Many followers of Devaedra come from the other Houses. They come seeking guidance and power in order to take revenge on their previous House.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 4 common.png
Apply 450 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
House Devaedra's teaching methods are quite harsh, with many students never getting past the first semester.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 4 rare.png
Apply 1000 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
To Devaedra initiates, sorcery is not just about learning to wield magic. It's about removing morality and embracing chaos. Devaedra uses champions like Xenobia to reinforce this creed in all newcomers.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 4 legendary.png

Week 12 - (June 19th - June 26th)

Play 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns300
""Their spies should know we're up to something by now, so I expect them to be busy trying to secure their rear. They'll never expect a direct attack. Now go, get me the Hierophant!" - Lady Devaedra"
Card border common.png
Fc betrayal common.png
Win 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns500
Grenn tore through the buildings like they were wet paper boxes. With a smirking rage in his eyes, he headed straight for the grand temple of House Aurion. Nothing could stop him.
Card border rare.png
Fc betrayal rare.png
Win 3 matches with Xenobia
Reward: Crowns800
""This pretend peace. Politics. Compromise. It has made them complacent. Time for a new ruler to step up." - Lady Devaedra"
Card border legendary.png
Fc betrayal legendary.png

Earn 20 Badges
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
As the Wars waged, many young adventurers ventured off to become the ones to change history, the ones that would be remembered for generations.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Earn 35 Badges
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
Most Houses created their own Guilds with the express purpose of finding and attracting promising individuals to bolster their ranks as heroes.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Earn 70 Badges
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
In the end, these Guilds served more as additional recruitment funnels for soldiers. The Houses eventually realized that the true heroes were one in a million, and these methods yielded nothing but fodder.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Play 2 Clash mode matches
Reward: Crowns300
Lands of Gig
The town is split into two opposing camps of Underdog splinter gangs. The lines of this conflict have been drawn right through the center of town with locals often caught in the middle.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 3 common.png
Play 4 Clash mode matches
Reward: Crowns500
Lands of Gig
The Underdogs: a loose coalition of smaller pirate crews, who sometimes see eye-to-eyepatch, but mostly squabble amongst themselves like petulant geese armed with cannons.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 3 rare.png
Play 7 Clash mode matches
Reward: Crowns800
Lands of Gig
Picaro Bay sits right on top of a rich vein of Terelium which Tesserus desperately need to fuel their secret project: a construct rumored to rival even the mighty guardians themselves.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 3 legendary.png

Week 11 - (June 12th - June 19th)

Play 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns300
""Their spies should know we're up to something by now, so I expect them to be busy trying to secure their rear. They'll never expect a direct attack. Now go, get me the Hierophant!" - Lady Devaedra"
Card border common.png
Fc betrayal common.png
Win 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns500
Grenn tore through the buildings like they were wet paper boxes. With a smirking rage in his eyes, he headed straight for the grand temple of House Aurion. Nothing could stop him.
Card border rare.png
Fc betrayal rare.png
Win 3 matches with Xenobia
Reward: Crowns800
""This pretend peace. Politics. Compromise. It has made them complacent. Time for a new ruler to step up." - Lady Devaedra"
Card border legendary.png
Fc betrayal legendary.png

Play 2 matches as a Melee DPS
Reward: Crowns300
Lands of Gig
The SS Rattler had traveled across all the seas. From the southern beaches of Sorandia to the frozen seas of Gramoria. Its captain knew well to stay away from the Strand, yet their latest route demanded it.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 3 common.png
Play 4 matches as a Melee DPS
Reward: Crowns500
Lands of Gig
As night approached, the aurora made its appearance. By third watch it was dominating the night sky, and nobody on the ship could take their eyes off its beckoning light.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 3 rare.png
Play 8 matches as a Melee DPS
Reward: Crowns800
Lands of Gig
The very air seemed to draw men closer. The Rattler headed straight for the craggy shore. Alarms blared around the ship, but her men were deaf to everything but the beckoning song of the Siren and her Aurora.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 3 legendary.png

Win 1 match as a Frontliner
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Cyclopes can be found lurking inside caves and caverns. As a rule they dislike people, and tend to stay hidden away for most of their lives.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Win 3 matches as a Frontliner
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
It is advised to stay away from Cyclopian dens, and most adventurers take that advice to heart. The interior or the dens are constructed like mazes, and often filled with crude and unforgiving traps.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Win 5 matches as a Frontliner
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
The most amazing part of a Cyclops is its single eye. Either that eye is capable of perceiving depth in a way we do not understand, or the creatures themselves rely on some other organ to perceive depth.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 10 B - (June 7th - June 12th)

This week changed on a Friday due to a patch changing the active weekly fortunes.

Play 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns300
""Their spies should know we're up to something by now, so I expect them to be busy trying to secure their rear. They'll never expect a direct attack. Now go, get me the Hierophant!" - Lady Devaedra"
Card border common.png
Fc betrayal common.png
Win 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns500
Grenn tore through the buildings like they were wet paper boxes. With a smirking rage in his eyes, he headed straight for the grand temple of House Aurion. Nothing could stop him.
Card border rare.png
Fc betrayal rare.png
Win 3 matches with Xenobia
Reward: Crowns800
""This pretend peace. Politics. Compromise. It has made them complacent. Time for a new ruler to step up." - Lady Devaedra"
Card border legendary.png
Fc betrayal legendary.png

Deal 6,000 damage to enemy Guardians
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
House Tesserus, at least in its current form, is the youngest out of all the great Houses. Its true origins however are much, much older.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 4 common.png
Deal 20,000 damage to enemy Guardians
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
The Tesserus name predates the arrival of the Eternals. It belonged to two brothers who worked as inventors, crafting weapons and armaments to help people survive in the savage world of Gig.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 4 rare.png
Deal 50,000 damage to enemy Guardians
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
The arrival of the Eternals afforded the two brothers some breathing room. They seized the opportunity to diversify their craft, and funneled resources into making Tesserus the great House that we know today.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 4 legendary.png

Play 5 matches
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Obelisks don't seem to have any organic components at all. Their bodies are mostly stone with some primitive mechanical parts.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Play 8 matches
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Obelisks are one of the more "common" Kai constructs remaining to this day. They've managed to survive this long due to their simple yet sturdy construction.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Play 13 matches
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
""The Kai built them as sort of... bird houses for souls. Souls are attracted to them, they can reside within them, but have almost no control over an Obelisk while inhabiting it." - Ezren Ghal"
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 10 A - (June 5th - June 7th)

This week was cut short due to a patch changing the active weekly fortunes.

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Win 1 match as a Support
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Growing Bloomers develop roots instead of legs, which is why young bloomers spend most of their lives searching for their perfect spot to settle down in.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Win 3 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Young Bloomers and Motigas can often be seen playing around with each other. This kind of inter-species activity is as comical as it is fascinating.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Win 5 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
Bloomers are habitually friendly creatures. They seem incapable of discerning good from evil, so they help anyone who is in need. This does not mean they will not root you if provoked.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Win 2 matches
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Infernals reside in the very depths of the Rift. The Eternals have devoted a lot of time to keeping them out of the mortal realm, but some slip by on occasion.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Win 4 matches
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
The Infernals have vast systems of interconnected portals within the Rift. If you see one, chances are there are many more on the way.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Win 7 matches
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
The sorceress has used these portals even outside the rift, as they prove useful in spying, manipulating and getting the proverbial "upper hand" in things.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 9 - (May 29th - June 5th)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Apply 200 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
Many followers of Devaedra come from the other Houses. They come seeking guidance and power in order to take revenge on their previous House.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 4 common.png
Apply 450 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
House Devaedra's teaching methods are quite harsh, with many students never getting past the first semester.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 4 rare.png
Apply 1000 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
To Devaedra initiates, sorcery is not just about learning to wield magic. It's about removing morality and embracing chaos. Devaedra uses champions like Xenobia to reinforce this creed in all newcomers.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 4 legendary.png

Earn 20 Assists
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
House Melkior was once a great nation, which splintered under its own weight. Now, its members can be spotted across the whole kingdom, yet no one truly knows where their Citadel resides.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 4 common.png
Earn 50 Assists
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
""I think it's hard to find a noble who is not in Melkior's pocket to some degree or another. That house can smell money a mile away, and always picks its benefactors very carefully." - Roland"
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 4 rare.png
Earn 150 Assists
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
""Dear Arch Bishop,
I'd like to thank you for your collaboration. You have done well with our new friend. Your payment will be waiting for you in your quarters." - Gray Glove"
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 4 legendary.png

Week 8 - (May 22nd - May 29th)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Deal 50,000 total damage
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
The Imperial Council is made up of the three Great Houses: Aurion, Karakesh and Devaedra. It was formed to prevent further wars between the houses and to form a stronger coalition against outside threats.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Deal 150,000 total damage
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
In reality the Council was little more than a facade. It led to fewer open conventional wars, but gave rise to unconventional warfare, assassinations, extortions, and all sorts of back-room deals.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Deal 400,000 total damage
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
The Hierophant's connection with the Eternals was ultimately what held the Empire together. It also allowed House Aurion to keep its place at the top of the food chain.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Kill or Assist in killing 3 enemy Creatures
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
The empire is but one small part of the world. This is something that people who live inside the empire often like to forget.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Kill or Assist in killing 8 enemy Creatures
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
Communities lived and died on the whims of the giant beasts that filled the world. As some of these beasts turned from predators to shepherds, many people were understandably cautious.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Kill or Assist in killing 20 enemy Creatures
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
Many still held distrust for the Guardians. To those who had survived their attacks in the past, it seemed that the Guardians were just savage beasts with borrowed intelligence. This was not true.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Week 7 - (May 15th - May 22nd)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Win 1 match as a Support
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Growing Bloomers develop roots instead of legs, which is why young bloomers spend most of their lives searching for their perfect spot to settle down in.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Win 3 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Young Bloomers and Motigas can often be seen playing around with each other. This kind of inter-species activity is as comical as it is fascinating.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Win 5 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
Bloomers are habitually friendly creatures. They seem incapable of discerning good from evil, so they help anyone who is in need. This does not mean they will not root you if provoked.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Play 5 matches
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Obelisks don't seem to have any organic components at all. Their bodies are mostly stone with some primitive mechanical parts.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Play 8 matches
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Obelisks are one of the more "common" Kai constructs remaining to this day. They've managed to survive this long due to their simple yet sturdy construction.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Play 13 matches
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
""The Kai built them as sort of... bird houses for souls. Souls are attracted to them, they can reside within them, but have almost no control over an Obelisk while inhabiting it." - Ezren Ghal"
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 6 - (May 8th - May 15th)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Earn 20 Badges
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
As the Wars waged, many young adventurers ventured off to become the ones to change history, the ones that would be remembered for generations.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Earn 35 Badges
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
Most Houses created their own Guilds with the express purpose of finding and attracting promising individuals to bolster their ranks as heroes.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Earn 70 Badges
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
In the end, these Guilds served more as additional recruitment funnels for soldiers. The Houses eventually realized that the true heroes were one in a million, and these methods yielded nothing but fodder.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Win 1 match as a Ranged DPS
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Young drakes often stick together. They learn how to handle themselves by playing with one another. This also establishes a social pecking order from a very early age.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Win 3 matches as a Ranged DPS
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Drakes generally live high up in the mountains. A young drake's first flight is often one for survival, as rockslides and strong winds can destroy nests and send them flying unwillingly.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Win 5 matches as a Ranged DPS
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
Adult drakes are uniquely territorial. They hold parts of the mountain for just themselves, rarely letting even family members close. Anything approaching their nest is either food or foe.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 5 - (May 1st - May 8th)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Generate 200 Power for your Guardian
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
After the arrival of the Eternals many things came into balance. But not all Eternals shared the same interests or beliefs.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Generate 400 Power for your Guardian
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
Even though the Emperor is their leader, he has no direct charge over individual Eternals in the traditional sense.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Generate 800 Power for your Guardian
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
""He is as benevolent, as he is indecipherable. I sometimes prefer a more direct approach, something more in line with the lifespans of the people we are meant to be helping." - Zandora"
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Play 2 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns300
Lands of Gig
The Grove wasn't always as it is today. The meteor that sits at the forest's center came down during the Starfall. As the eternals descended like stars, so did the meteors, spreading chaos across the land.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 3 common.png
Play 4 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns500
Lands of Gig
The meteor shattered and splintered into the ground, imbuing everything around its impact site with magical properties.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 3 rare.png
Play 8 matches as a Support
Reward: Crowns800
Lands of Gig
This is how creatures like the Healer Bees, which create honey with medicinal properties, and the gargantuan Shieldshrooms, which local warriors harvest and use as protection in battle, came to be.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 3 legendary.png

Week 4 - (April 24th - May 1st)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Apply 200 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
Many followers of Devaedra come from the other Houses. They come seeking guidance and power in order to take revenge on their previous House.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 4 common.png
Apply 450 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
House Devaedra's teaching methods are quite harsh, with many students never getting past the first semester.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 4 rare.png
Apply 1000 Debuffs on enemies
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
To Devaedra initiates, sorcery is not just about learning to wield magic. It's about removing morality and embracing chaos. Devaedra uses champions like Xenobia to reinforce this creed in all newcomers.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 4 legendary.png

Earn 10 Kills
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
House Karakesh has always struggled with internal conflict. There is a big rift between the feudal militias and the house's political leadership.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 4 common.png
Earn 35 Kills
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
All the fiefdoms in Karakesh are allowed to have their own armies, to protect their land. The fiefdoms are allied on paper, but in reality are locked in an arms race for troops and territory.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 4 rare.png
Earn 60 Kills
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
Karakesh Knights start training at the age of 5, when they are taken from their families. They spend the next 15 years under an extremely strict regime known for producing the finest warriors of the realm.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 4 legendary.png

Week 3 - (April 17th - April 24th)

Play 2 matches with Tripp
Reward: Crowns300
Once revered and beloved by all in the empire, the Hierophant was now a fugitive. Surrounded by a small group of followers he made the journey north, pursued by bands of Devaedra assassins.
Card border common.png
Fc aceofwands common.png
Play 2 matches with Lord Knossos
Reward: Crowns500
""It's a good thing you got in the way, little one. She would have dealt a killing blow if you hadn't stopped her. Now hold still, you still have a few daggers in your fur, and I can't get them if you fidget." - Lord Knossos"
Card border rare.png
Fc aceofwands rare.png
Win 3 matches with Pakko
Reward: Crowns800
""Even a glancing blow from Tripp's weapons can be deadly. We need to hurry - the Hierophant has been wounded. We must reach the Star City of the Eternals before it's too late." - Voden"
Card border legendary.png
Fc aceofwands legendary.png

Play 2 matches as a Melee DPS
Reward: Crowns300
Lands of Gig
The SS Rattler had traveled across all the seas. From the southern beaches of Sorandia to the frozen seas of Gramoria. Its captain knew well to stay away from the Strand, yet their latest route demanded it.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 3 common.png
Play 4 matches as a Melee DPS
Reward: Crowns500
Lands of Gig
As night approached, the aurora made its appearance. By third watch it was dominating the night sky, and nobody on the ship could take their eyes off its beckoning light.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 3 rare.png
Play 8 matches as a Melee DPS
Reward: Crowns800
Lands of Gig
The very air seemed to draw men closer. The Rattler headed straight for the craggy shore. Alarms blared around the ship, but her men were deaf to everything but the beckoning song of the Siren and her Aurora.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 3 legendary.png

Play 5 matches
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Obelisks don't seem to have any organic components at all. Their bodies are mostly stone with some primitive mechanical parts.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Play 8 matches
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Obelisks are one of the more "common" Kai constructs remaining to this day. They've managed to survive this long due to their simple yet sturdy construction.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Play 13 matches
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
""The Kai built them as sort of... bird houses for souls. Souls are attracted to them, they can reside within them, but have almost no control over an Obelisk while inhabiting it." - Ezren Ghal"
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 2 - (April 10th - April 17th)

Play 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns300
""Their spies should know we're up to something by now, so I expect them to be busy trying to secure their rear. They'll never expect a direct attack. Now go, get me the Hierophant!" - Lady Devaedra"
Card border common.png
Fc betrayal common.png
Win 1 match on team Devaedra
Reward: Crowns500
Grenn tore through the buildings like they were wet paper boxes. With a smirking rage in his eyes, he headed straight for the grand temple of House Aurion. Nothing could stop him.
Card border rare.png
Fc betrayal rare.png
Win 3 matches with Xenobia
Reward: Crowns800
""This pretend peace. Politics. Compromise. It has made them complacent. Time for a new ruler to step up." - Lady Devaedra"
Card border legendary.png
Fc betrayal legendary.png

Generate 200 Power for your Guardian
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
After the arrival of the Eternals many things came into balance. But not all Eternals shared the same interests or beliefs.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Generate 400 Power for your Guardian
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
Even though the Emperor is their leader, he has no direct charge over individual Eternals in the traditional sense.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Generate 800 Power for your Guardian
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
""He is as benevolent, as he is indecipherable. I sometimes prefer a more direct approach, something more in line with the lifespans of the people we are meant to be helping." - Zandora"
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Win 1 match as a Ranged DPS
Reward: Crowns300
Fauna of Gig
Young drakes often stick together. They learn how to handle themselves by playing with one another. This also establishes a social pecking order from a very early age.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 2 common.png
Win 3 matches as a Ranged DPS
Reward: Crowns500
Fauna of Gig
Drakes generally live high up in the mountains. A young drake's first flight is often one for survival, as rockslides and strong winds can destroy nests and send them flying unwillingly.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 2 rare.png
Win 5 matches as a Ranged DPS
Reward: Crowns800
Fauna of Gig
Adult drakes are uniquely territorial. They hold parts of the mountain for just themselves, rarely letting even family members close. Anything approaching their nest is either food or foe.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 2 legendary.png

Week 1 - (April 9th - April 10th)

  • ????? I T1 - ?????.
  • ????? I T2 - ?????.
  • ????? I T3 - ?????.

Kill or Assist in killing 3 enemy Creatures
Reward: Crowns300
The Empire
The empire is but one small part of the world. This is something that people who live inside the empire often like to forget.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 1 common.png
Kill or Assist in killing 8 enemy Creatures
Reward: Crowns500
The Empire
Communities lived and died on the whims of the giant beasts that filled the world. As some of these beasts turned from predators to shepherds, many people were understandably cautious.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 1 rare.png
Kill or Assist in killing 20 enemy Creatures
Reward: Crowns800
The Empire
Many still held distrust for the Guardians. To those who had survived their attacks in the past, it seemed that the Guardians were just savage beasts with borrowed intelligence. This was not true.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 1 legendary.png

Play 2 Clash mode matches
Reward: Crowns300
Lands of Gig
The town is split into two opposing camps of Underdog splinter gangs. The lines of this conflict have been drawn right through the center of town with locals often caught in the middle.
Card border common.png
Fc weekly 3 common.png
Play 4 Clash mode matches
Reward: Crowns500
Lands of Gig
The Underdogs: a loose coalition of smaller pirate crews, who sometimes see eye-to-eyepatch, but mostly squabble amongst themselves like petulant geese armed with cannons.
Card border rare.png
Fc weekly 3 rare.png
Play 7 Clash mode matches
Reward: Crowns800
Lands of Gig
Picaro Bay sits right on top of a rich vein of Terelium which Tesserus desperately need to fuel their secret project: a construct rumored to rival even the mighty guardians themselves.
Card border legendary.png
Fc weekly 3 legendary.png