Picaro Bay

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Map lobby modcity.jpg
LV ModCity 1.png
LV ModCity 1 Clash.png


Picaro Bay emphasizes verticality with rooftop catwalks throughout the map and a tall ship at one end of the central plaza. This verticality opens up many traversal options across the map, enabling backdoor plays and flanks as well as reducing the effectiveness of cyclops walls. It also favors heroes with movement abilities that let them change elevations quickly. Compared to other maps there are less defendable choke points, so aggressive play and being the first to initiate a fight both provide large advantages. This map uses the same music as Sanctum Falls.

Power circle ally.png B and Power circle enemy.png E are currently extremely easy to attack when the attackers control Power circle neutral.png C, and defenders will find it difficult to retake these points due to terrain. This often leads to one-sided stomps where one team is never able to retake their own Power circle ally.png B or Power circle enemy.png E point.


While the two central points Power circle neutral.png C and Power circle neutral.png D do have sight lines to each other the map is quite wide, and the close proximity of Power circle neutral.png C to Power circle ally.png B and Power circle enemy.png E promotes invasions on those points. Since the team controlling Power circle neutral.png D is so far away from those points, they may counter-invade Power circle ally.png A or Power circle enemy.png F, but they have a much longer retreat path.

During a rampage attackers can hit guardians from both the high ground and the low ground at a variety of angles, making defending much more difficult.


An enemy ship attacks, raining large large fireballs down on the ship and main plaza. The fireballs do not damage heroes, but they set the ship ablaze and instantly destroy two gates near the center of the plaza. players will take heavy damage if they touch a part of the map that has been set on fire near the ship. The parts on fire near the plaza gates do not deal damage.

Point Power circle neutral.png D moves down onto the ground in the central plaza, very close to point Power circle neutral.png C. This often results in a close quarters brawl for the middle of the map, and once a team gains control they will be able to summon creatures on both points easily.

Along with the ship many of the high ground catwalks that were near Power circle neutral.png D become inaccessible, making the catwalks near Power circle neutral.png C the only remaining high ground vantage points over the central plaza.


  • Cliffs - the ocean area near Power circle neutral.png D
  • Fire - during clash the boat and some of the nearby catwalks are lit on fire, dealing heavy damage over time.

Rush Mode

There are multiple layout differences from the clash version of the map:

  • Guardians sit atop high ground
  • Only 1 creature guards each side, but it is fairly close to the middle of the map.
  • An additional power circle has been added to the center of the map
  • The central crates have been rearranged with new walls also being added.
