Siren's Strand

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Siren's Strand focuses players on a single neutral point Power circle neutral.png D, but also has enough space to allow backdoor plays and rotations. Guardians are difficult to get to when attacking during a rampage, so Uncle Sven and Voden are highly useful for their jump pads.

Siren's Strand is widely regarded as the most balanced map, and is a staple in competitive play.


Melee heroes can use jump attacks to reach Power circle neutral.png D from outside, and long range heroes have a variety of sight lines onto the point. Many kills happen on heroes retreating using the icy valley under the point. While both teams are trying to secure Power circle neutral.png D, some players may attempt to backdoor Power circle ally.png C or Power circle enemy.png E.


The water level drops and and glaciers slide in, blocking off the the upper area of the map and shifting the playable area downwards into a newly revealed area. These glaciers deal no contact damage, but they can kill a player if they get crushed against a wall. Note that the water is safe to enter and deals no damage as soon as the map enters clash phase, even though it takes a few seconds to drain to the new level.

The new Power circle neutral.png D is a fortress that has narrow entrances in four directions, and icy pillars provide ample cover for heroes moving around the map. Power circle ally.png C and Power circle enemy.png E become very important for interrupting and securing power, and often power races are won or lost based on who gets power from these circles first.


  • Cliffs - near Power circle ally.png C and Power circle enemy.png E pre-clash, and near Power circle ally.png A and Power circle enemy.png G post-clash.
  • Water - deals SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png500 dmg/s when partially submerged, and kills instantly when fully submerged. Ignores armor and damage reduction.


Rush Mode

Power circle ally.png B / Power circle enemy.png G have been moved closer to the center of the map. Power spawns on Power circle enemy.png E / Power circle enemy.png F on the first cycle, then on Power circle enemy.png C / Power circle enemy.png D on the next cycle.
