Ember Grove

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Map lobby wizardwoods.jpg


Ember Grove splits players between the two edges of the map with Power circle neutral.png C / D points to fight over on each side and a large obstruction blocking the middle of the map. Because of this fights are often 2v2s or 3v3s, with 5v5s mostly happening during a rampage. The central Power circle enemy.png E point is tempting to sneak a manual power collect on, but committing too many heroes will leave your side creatures undefended.

This is the only map with a double cycle on neutral circles - power spawns on both Power circle neutral.png C and Power circle neutral.png D for both the 3rd and 5th cycles. This means it is extremely important to keep control over these points, and a team that fails to do so will find it very difficult to win the power race.


Ember Grove can either be a fairly passive map if the lanes are evenly matched, or a super aggressive map if the lanes are uneven. Rotations across the map do waste a lot of time, but they can be worth it to kill a hero or creature. Respawning players have the ability to easily switch lanes, which might be a good decision if you find yourself in a losing matchup. Just be sure to get someone else to cover your original position.


There are slight changes to the terrain, with the center of the map sinking down a tree being destroyed near Power circle ally.png B and Power circle enemy.png F. Guardians move farther back closer to Power circle ally.png B and Power circle enemy.png F, and the four team circles move closer to the center. This enables the teams to fight over Power circle enemy.png E without their creatures dying as easily.


None - this is the only map without any cliffs.

Rush Mode

The back corners of the clash map have been blocked off, walls have been removed between Power circle ally.png A / Power circle enemy.png G and the center of the map, and two small barricades shield the central point.
