Sanctum Falls

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Sanctum Falls has two neutral points and divides itself into some small regions that are great for close quarters and large, open regions with high perches that are great for long range heroes. It can often become difficult to play with one team locking down a large area of the map and the other struggling to break through.


There are two neutral points for teams to fight over, with Power circle neutral.png C with wide sight lines favoring ranged heroes who can defend from above, and Power circle neutral.png D with closed terrain favoring melee heroes who can control the limited space. Generally each team will hold one of the two center points, and find it difficult to push further past the center of the map without an advantage. Sometimes heroes will be able to slip through and backdoor the creatures on Power circle ally.png A or Power circle enemy.png F, which can catch the other team off guard and be difficult to respond to.


Water drains from the high ground near Power circle neutral.png D and floods into the rest of the map, quickly killing players who stay in the early area for too long. All points besides Power circle neutral.png D move into new positions in the clash area, with Power circle neutral.png C becoming a hotly contested high ground perch. Teams that find themselves unable to break Power circle neutral.png C with a frontal assault will have to try flanking from the enemy side of the map or pressuring creatures on the far side.


  • Cliffs - the outer edge, especially near Power circle neutral.png C pre-clash.
  • Water - pre-clash, falling into the high ground water near Power circle neutral.png D will deal SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png500 damage and send you to the bottom of the waterfall in the center of the map. This can be used as an escape, or to catch the enemy team off guard.
    • During clash the main area floods with water that deals SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png150 dmg/s to heroes who go in too deep. Heroes can still move normally underwater, although the screen is covered by a blur effect.

Rush Mode

The upper corridors have been blocked off and a raised area with walls and Power circle enemy.png D is in the center of the map. There is a tunnel underneath D that crosses sides of the map.
