Ghost Reef

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Map lobby canyon.jpg
LV CANYON 1 Clash.png


Ghost Reef is the simplest map, with a linear layout and a narrow center area. Most of the game is spent between the Power circle ally.png C and Power circle enemy.png E points and the center of the map.


Skrimish in the center of the map, look for kills when possible, and fall back to Power circle ally.png C for healing. If you get enough of an advantage you can push the enemy Power circle enemy.png E or Power circle enemy.png F points.


Stone walls between Power circle ally.png C / Power circle enemy.png E and the center of the map open up, revealing a low ground path and expanding long range sight lines. All power circles stay the same.


  • Cliffs - outer edges of the Power circle ally.png C and Power circle enemy.png E points.

Rush Mode

Two new pillars have been placed on either side of Power circle enemy.png D, blocking sightlines through the center of the map and creating a choke on the power circle.

The farthest back points Power circle ally.png C / Power circle enemy.png G have been moved forward, and points Power circle ally.png A and Power circle ally.png C have swapped names.
