May 2024 Hotfix

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Wednesday May 8th, 2024 8:00 AM PST
May 2024 Hotfix (original by Fero)

  • Multiple fixes for crashes and text issues.
    • Fixed match history not displaying match results correctly
    • Fixed issue with friends’ stats not displaying correctly
    • Multiple fortune description updates
    • Multiple description updates for hero skills, skill upgrades, builds, and lore
    • and more.
  • Build Number: #614009.0


Hello Gigantic fans,

First, we’d like to thank you all so much for your support and feedback since we launched Gigantic: Rampage Edition last month! With Rampage Edition, it’s been a passion project for all of us as we set out to bring back Gigantic for you all to jump in and have fun playing the game once again after so many years. We are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming support you all have given us, and it’s helped us pinpoint what you all love about Rampage Edition and what could be improved to make it the best experience possible.

Our team has made progress on improving Rampage Edition, such as improving server issues that players encountered at launch – but we’re continuing to work hard on fixing additional issues. Encountering bugs, glitches and crashes can be frustrating, and we take these issues very seriously.

We’ve released a hotfix patch today to address and fix several pressing issues, including crashes players have run into.

Coming up, we plan to release a major update that will fix known issues – such as the PS5 crashing issue we’re continuing to work on fixing, along with region matchmaking issues. Our top priority is improving Rampage Edition for all players, but once we feel it’s been improved across the board, we’ll be releasing a content update with Ranked Mode and classic hero skins for Margrave and Griselma. We can’t wait for you all to jump into Ranked Mode when it’s ready.

Thank you again for your support and understanding. We are determined to make Gigantic: Rampage Edition the best Gigantic experience possible for all players, and we will continue to refine and improve the game.


  • Fixed various crashes across platforms
  • Fixed crossplay button appearing as always disabled
  • Fixed match history not displaying match results correctly
  • Fixed issue with friends’ stats not displaying correctly
  • Multiple fortune description updates
  • Multiple description updates for hero skills, skill upgrades, builds, and lore
  • Fixed multiple localization text issues
  • Correction of Status Effect icons for Imani
  • Bot Backfilling - Bots spawned after a player leaves are invincible and do not belong to either team (this was fixed by a previous patch, it is unknown if this new fix has any effect)



Skill Judo F.pngF - Typhoon's Fury

  • Duration of the Armor and Damage buff is now correctly increased to 10 seconds if the enemy was hit with the skill. (It seems the skill has not actually been changed and retains its old functionality, with the skill giving the buff for 4s on use and any hit refreshing the duration up to its maximum)

Known Issues We’re Looking Into

  • PS5 Crash
    • PS5 System is non-responsive when closing application after being stuck on the VS transition screen
  • Region matchmaking
  • Improving solo queue wait times
  • Hero balancing
  • "Creating Crew" bug on Arc
    • Temporary Workaround: Switch Arc client language to English
  • Issues surrounding Custom games