April 2024 Update

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Friday April 26th, 2024 7:00 AM PST
April 2024 Update (original by Fero)

  • Multiple fixes for issues reported by players.
    • Invincible bots
    • "Paths need to be rebuilt"
    • Roland damage bug
    • Kajir smoke bomb cooldown
    • and more.
  • Build Number: #613983.0

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Bots spawned after a Player leaves being invincible and not belonging to either team
  • Fixed crew members getting queued up again if one of the members declines the match
  • Fixed Unknown Match queue
  • Fixed +0 crowns after certain hero mastery level ups
  • Fixed missing bold text for Korean and Chinese languages
  • Fixed "Paths need to be rebuilt"


Ember Grove

  • Can now be played in Custom Matches.
  • Added back to the Rush map rotation for matchmaking.
  • Rush Map Collision - Hero no longer walks above the ground after launching from the left jump pad

Sanctum Falls

  • Clash: Launching from the left jump pad on Grenn’s airship no longer results in landing on invisible collision above the map



Skill Shadow 4.pngE - Smoke Bomb

  • Now goes on a 12 second cooldown when not spawning copies
    • old - Cooldown does not begin unless Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew is used.
    • new - Cooldown does not begin until end of smoke bomb or Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew is used.
    • new - Cooldown.png12s cooldown if Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew is not used.
    • Note that there is still no cooldown if smoke bomb is cancelled by an enemy.


Skill Gunner 1.pngLMB - Blunderbuss

Upgrade path RL.pngLMB RL - Targeting Shell

  • Fixed damage buff working incorrectly
    • old - Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% damage vs enemies hit by Skill Gunner 3.pngAttack Drone in the past 2s.
    • new - Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% damage vs enemies hit by Skill Gunner 3.pngAttack Drone in the past 2s.

Skill Gunner 4.pngE - Grappling Hook

Upgrade path LR.pngE LR - Escape Mechanism

  • No longer applies Cripple AoE on a miss
    • old - On use, enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3m radius of Roland are SquareCrippledStatusEffect.pngcrippled for 4s.
    • new - On grapple impact, enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3m radius of Roland are SquareCrippledStatusEffect.pngcrippled for 4s.