June 2024 Update

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Friday June 7th, 2024 8:00 AM PDT
June 2024 Update (original by Fero)

  • Classic skins reintroduced for The Margrave and Griselma.
  • Fixed several collision issues on Picaro Bay, Siren's Strand, Heaven's Ward, Ember Grove, and Ghost Reef
  • Fixed infernal portals on Siren's Strand and Ghost Reef
  • Fixed Controller Vertical Sensitivity setting only allowing 1 and 10
  • Fixed the clash talent not being active on most rush maps
  • Hero balancing and fixes
    • Nerfs to Kajir and Roland
    • Rutger shield no longer regenerates while in combat
    • Wu E Talent no longer removes pull
    • Aisling F now works correctly
  • Updated several skill descriptions to better explain how the skill works
  • and more.
  • Build Number: #614457.0


Hello Gigantic fans!

We’ve released another patch today that fixes multiple issues, which the team has been working on in the past few weeks. Check further below for the full patch notes.

As always, we’d like to thank you for your continued support, showing your love both by competing in the server and by sending us feedback and bug reports. We’re still working on further fixes, which we’re aiming to implement later this month. And as you know, Ranked Mode is still in the works, too, so be on the lookout for some news on that front soon!

With today’s update, you’ll also be able to don the classic Margrave and Griselma skins in your matches that we’ve promised you a while ago. Margrave’s “The Fallen (Classic)” and Griselma’s “The Summoner (Classic)” skins have been unlocked for free and are ready to be equipped, while both their other classic variants have also been added and can be unlocked with Crowns. Enjoy!



  • Added The Summoner (Classic) skin

The Margrave

  • Added The Fallen (Classic) skin


  • Fixed Tripp's Stark Reality skin graphical issue


  • Fixed players earning upgrade points incorrectly after rejoining a match
  • Fixed several weird bot behaviours
  • Fixed incorrect behaviour for a few fortunes from Tripp, Griselma, and Rutger
  • Fixed several crashes

UI / Menus

  • Fixed involuntary pinging when navigating using the D-pad in multiple menus
  • Fixed that the upgrade UI Talent category couldn’t be accessed while using mouse and keyboard
  • Fixed Controller Vertical Sensitivity setting only allowing 1 and 10
  • Fixed free cosmetics showing an incorrect cost on the unlock pop-up
  • Fixed "New Match" requeue failing when a crew member is still in the match summary
  • Fixed pings on power circles appearing too high, and out of view
  • Fixed rewards sometimes not appearing for levels above 100
  • Fixed several statistics showing incorrectly in the profile screen
  • Updated several skill descriptions to better explain how the skill works
  • Many other (102) UI and text fixes

Rush Mode

  • Jump pads back to the airship are now disabled while in combat
  • Fixed the clash talent not being active on most rush maps
  • Fixed rush rewards given to the first selected hero, instead of the most played hero

Custom Mode

  • Added a Quit Match button for custom games
  • Fixed that not accepting a custom game kicked players back to the start screen


  • Fixed several collision issues on Picaro Bay, Siren's Strand, Heaven's Ward, Ember Grove, and Ghost Reef
  • Fixed infernal portals on Siren's Strand and Ghost Reef
  • Fixed Practice Arena Jump Pads not functioning for a few seconds when entering the arena



  • Increased summon time for young creatures 3s > 5s (this is after the player finishes summoning, but before the creature can move, attack, etc.)



  • Increased respawn time penalty that occurs when another teammate dies while you are respawning 0s > 2s


Skill Adept 2.pngRMB - Sir Cador

  • Fixed most instances of Sir Cador teleporting underneath the map

Skill Adept F.pngF - Terrify

  • Fixed Focus skill teleporting Sir Cador to Aisling instead of the target area
    • This also fixed the issue with the skill not activating due to targeting failures

Ezren Ghal

Skill Juice 4.pngE - Well of Souls

  • Now cancels on hit
    • new - SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemy actions (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).


Skill Machine 1.pngLMB - Bullet Barrage

  • LMB: Heavily reduced the recoil
    • old - Recoil pushes reticle up and slightly left.
    • new - Recoil pushes reticle a small amount in a random direction.

Skill Machine 1.pngE, LMB - Fortified Barrage

  • LMB: Heavily reduced the recoil
    • old - Recoil pushes reticle straight up.
    • new - Recoil pushes reticle a tiny amount in a random direction.


Skill Quarrel 2.pngRMB - Silent Scope

Upgrade path R.pngRMB R - Snapshot

  • This change was undocumented in the original patch notes
  • No longer increases damage of uncharged shots by +50%, instead increases damage of charged shots by +100%
  • This upgrade is currently bugged and also scales debuff damage from the Charge Level 2 hit by +200%, making it deadly when used with Q - Special Ammo.
    • old
      • Charge Level 1
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+50% damage (135 202.5 dmg), 1.15s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png140.9 211.3 dps with crit.
      • Charge Level 2 Time.png1.5s
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% dmg (270 dmg), 1.60s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 dps with crit.
    • new
      • Charge Level 1
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png135 dmg, 1.15s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png140.9 dps with crit.
      • Charge Level 2 Time.png1.5s
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% +200% dmg (270 405 dmg), 1.60s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 303.8 dps with crit.

Skill Quarrel 3.pngQ - Special Ammo

Upgrade path LL.pngF LL - Blast Radius

  • No longer applies burn to AoE hits (still burns direct hit target), reduced focus gain 4.4% > 3.2%
    • old
      • On hitting an enemy, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3m radius dealing 50% of hit damage and applying full burn damage.
      • For each enemy hit, gain +11 SquareFocusStatusEffect.png.
    • new
      • On hitting an enemy, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3m radius dealing 50% of hit damage but not applying burn.
      • For each enemy hit, gain +8 SquareFocusStatusEffect.png.

Skill Quarrel F.pngF - Kill Shot

Upgrade path LL.pngF LL - Concentration

  • Reduced focus gain boost +20% > +15%


Skill Shadow 4.pngDodge + LMB - Dodge Slice

  • Fixed dodge attack hitting twice
    • old - hits twice in quick succession, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png340 total dmg
    • new - hits once, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png170 total dmg

Upgrade path RR.pngLMB RR - Organ Pierce

  • Fixed bleed to actually be 36 damage/s
    • old - applies SquareBleedingStatusEffect.pngbleed, 120 dmg/s for 2s.
    • new - applies SquareBleedingStatusEffect.pngbleed, 36 dmg/s for 2s.

Skill Shadow 4.pngE - Skeleton Crew

  • Cooldown 25s > 20s
  • Copy damage 40 > 35
    • old - SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png360 total dmg.
    • new - SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png315 total dmg.
  • Copies now walk and sprint when Kajir does so

Upgrade path L.pngE L - Coordinated Trick

    • old - Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png40 86 dmg, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png360 774 total dmg.
    • new - Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png35 75 dmg, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png315 675 total dmg.

Upgrade path LL.pngE LL - Boarding Crew

  • Copy base damage 25 > 20
    • old - Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png86 53 dmg, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png774 954 total dmg.
    • new - Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png75 43 dmg, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png675 774 total dmg.

Upgrade path RR.pngE RR - Toxin Shock

  • Damage per debuff 100 > 60, max stacks 7x > 6x
    • old - Initial hit deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png100 dmg per debuff affecting the enemy, up to 7x, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png84 184 total dmg.
    • new - Initial hit deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png60 dmg per debuff affecting the enemy, up to 6x, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png84 144 total dmg.

The Margrave

Skill Tank 4.pngE - Staggering Leap
SkillShieldAddition.pngT E - Impact Crater

  • Fixed E-talent not working with upgrades

Skill Tank F.pngF - Ground and Pound
Upgrade path LR.pngF LR - Concentration

  • Reduced focus gain boost +20% > +15%


Skill Glyph 1.pngLMB - Judgment

  • Range 18m > 20m

Skill Glyph 2.pngRMB - The Beast

  • Range 18m > 20m


Skill Blade 4.pngE - Juju Fruit
Upgrade path R.pngE R - Lasting Effects

  • Poison damage 25 > 35 per second
    • old - Attacks apply SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngpoison, -50% healing and 50 25 dmg/s for 3s 6s. Total damage unchanged.
    • new - Attacks apply SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngpoison, -50% healing and 50 35 dmg/s for 3s 6s. SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png150 210 total dmg.


Skill Gunner 2.pngRMB - Entangling Bolas
Upgrade path LL.pngE LL - Burning Bolas

  • Damage 120 > 80
    • old - SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngBurns, 120 dmg/s for 3s, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png150 510 total dmg.
    • new - SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngBurns, 80 dmg/s for 3s, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png150 390 total dmg.

Skill Gunner F.pngF - Mega Blast

  • Reduced hit damage 800/1000/1300 > 600/800/1100
    • old - SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png800 / SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png1000 / SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png1300 dmg, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1050 / SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1250 / SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1550 total dmg.
    • new - SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png600 / SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png800 / SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png1100 dmg, SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png850 / SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1050 / SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1350 total dmg.


Skill Stoneskin 1.pngPassive - Shield

  • Fixed shield regenerating immediately while receiving any kind of healing
    • old - While at full health, regenerate SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+343 shield/s (1 tick/s).
    • new - While at full health and not in combat, regenerate SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+343 shield/s (1 tick/s).

Skill Stoneskin 3.pngQ - Burrow

  • Fixed Q's cooldown being too high when cancelled while Burrow is active

Upgrade path LL.pngQ LL - Salt of the Earth

  • Fixed restoring more stamina than intended
    • The actual amount of stamina restored remains unchanged, instead it seems like the in-game tooltip was updated to reflect the correct values (+15 stamina/s, +30 stamina total).

Upgrade path LR.pngQ LR - Burrowed Time

  • Fixed only extending the shield regain duration, while not increasing amount of shield restored
    • The amount of shield restored remains unchanged, instead it seems like the in-game tooltip was updated to be more accurate.


Skill Siege 2.pngRMB - Homing Missiles
Attack02.pngT RMB - Missile Enhancements

  • No longer applies burn to AoE hits (still does so for direct hits)
    • new - AoE hit does not burn, only the main target is burned.


Skill Warden 3.pngQ - Green Man / Decoy

Upgrade path RL.pngQ RL - Spore Imitation

  • Poison spores damage 75 > 150
    • old - SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png75 dmg, ignores armor. SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png540 519 total dmg.
    • new - SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png150 dmg, ignores armor. SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png540 594 total dmg.

SkillShieldDuration.pngT Q - Heart of Oak

  • Fixed for all upgrades: now always fires 1 extra arrow, regardless of upgrades chosen
    • old - clone duration is extended to fire an extra arrow, except when the Q RL or Q RR upgrades were chosen.
    • new - clone duration is extended to fire an extra arrow no matter which upgrades are chosen.

Skill Warden 4.pngE - Hidden Spring

Upgrade path LL.pngE LL - Recovery Time

  • Fixed upgrade not extending heal duration correctly
    • old
      • Springs last for Time.png6s
      • 7 ticks of healing
      • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png472.5 total healing
    • new
      • Springs last for Time.png6s 7s
      • 7 8 ticks of healing
      • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png472.5 540 total healing


Skill Judo 4.pngE - Tonguelash

AttackRange.pngT E - Tongue Tide

  • Fixed that the talent introduced bugs for certain upgrades (such as E R - Whet Your Appetite)
  • Skill now retains pull effect with talent and no longer increases range, instead reduces cooldown 15s > 13s
    • old
      • SquareRangeStatusEffect.png12m 17m range.
      • SquarePulledStatusEffect.pngPulls enemy (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 1s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
    • new
      • SquareRangeStatusEffect.png12m range.
      • SquarePulledStatusEffect.pngPulls enemy (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • Cooldown.png15s 13s cooldown.


Skill Aura 3.pngQ - Haste Activation / Aura of Haste

Upgrade path R.pngQ R - Rainbow Dash

  • Fixed this skill not putting pushed enemies in combat