April 2024 Rampage Edition Release

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Tuesday April 9th, 2024 6:00 AM PST
April 2024 Rampage Edition Release (original by Fero)

  • New Mode: Rush Mode
  • New Heroes: Kajir and Roland
  • New Maps: Heaven's Ward and Picaro Bay
  • Cross platform play between Arc, Epic, Steam, Playstation, and Xbox
  • In-game builds with auto-select for upgrades.
  • Updated skill info.
  • Custom matches with observers.
  • $20 price tag, all cosmetics earned in-game.
  • Build Number: #613848.2


We’re incredibly excited to be launching Gigantic: Rampage Edition today and we can’t wait to jump into some matches with you all! You’ve submitted a lot of feedback and bug reports during our Closed Beta back in February, thank you very much for your continued support and dedication. Below is a list of fixes and changes we’ve made since then, and we’re not done there: We invite you all to report any bugs you encounter and send in any feedback you have over on our Discord. We’ll see you on the airship!

Known Issues

  • Custom matches: Currently, there is no option to manually quit out of custom matches. While we’re working on a solution, please quit by closing the game application.
  • In some cases, players might still encounter "waiting for unknown match" while queueing. Please leave the queue and re-queue when this happens.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed UI resetting during hero select when an ally locks in their hero.
  • Fixed a way too lenient dodge input leading to lots of unintentional dodges.
  • Fixed T-Mat's fire cracker upgrade applying cracked armor on non-burning targets.
  • Fixed Aisling summoning Sir Cador underground.
  • Fixed Oru's hat visually being pulled into the sky.
  • Added back the green arrow on Uncle Sven's and Voden's jump boost areas.
  • Fixed Margrave's leap jumping weirdly high.
  • Fixed Tripp teleporting far away when using her focus skill on Grenn's weak spot.
  • and many more…



Jump + LMB - Jump Attack (Melee)

  • Reduced stamina cost
    • old - 25 stamina.
    • new - 15 stamina.


Skill Assault 2.pngRMB - Grenade

Upgrade path LR.pngRMB LR - Smart Grenade

  • Removed push (was only added in beta)
    • old - On direct hit explodes instantly, dealing SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100 dmg (applied after cracked armor) and SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngpushes enemies 5m (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
    • new - On direct hit explodes instantly, dealing SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100 dmg (applied after cracked armor).

Upgrade path R.pngRMB R - Tear Gas

  • Added Cancel on direct hit
    • On direct hit SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemy actions (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

Upgrade path RL.pngRMB RL - Lingering Fumes

  • Dazes on direct hit
    • On direct hit SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngdazes for 1.5s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).


Skill Machine 3.pngQ - Mortar

  • Increased cooldown
    • old - Cooldown.png12s cooldown.
    • new - Cooldown.png13s cooldown.

Skill Machine 4.pngE - Fortify

  • Can no longer dodge while fortified. (This was not included in the original patch notes)


Skill Quarrel 2.pngRMB, LMB - Silent Scope

  • Slightly reduced damage fall-off distance (this is a fairly significant increase in falloff effect)
    • old - Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 50m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-30% at 60m.
    • new - Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 35m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-50% at 60m.

Upgrade path RL.pngRMB RL - Combat Sniper

  • Charge Level 1
    • Reduced attack speed bonus: 20% > 10%
      • old - 1.15s 0.93s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png211.3 261.3 dps with crit.
      • new - 1.15s 1.03s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png211.3 235.2 dps with crit.

Skill Quarrel 4.pngE - Smoke Bomb

Upgrade path L.pngE L - Choking Gas

  • Reduced daze duration
    • old - SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 1s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
    • new - SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 0.5s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

SkillShieldAddition.pngT E - Fog of War


  • Reduced damage reduction
    • old - While stealthed, gain +50% SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
    • new - While stealthed, gain +30% SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.


Skill Siege 1.pngLMB - Energy Blast

  • Increased damage fall-off
    • old - Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 10m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-50% at 50m.
    • new - Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 10m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-75% at 40m.

Upgrade path RL.pngLMB RL - Fire Cracker

  • Reduced duration of cracked armor.
    • old - Applies SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngcracked armor vs burning enemies, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 2s.
    • new - Applies SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngcracked armor vs burning enemies, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 1s.

Skill Siege 2.pngRMB - Homing Missiles

  • Slightly reduced homing of missiles (making it a bit easier to avoid them).

Skill Siege 3.pngQ - Thrusters

Upgrade path L.pngQ L - Booster Pack

  • Reduced move speed buff.
    • old - On landing, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+15% move speed for 5s.
    • new - On landing, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+10% move speed for 5s.

Upgrade path LL.pngQ LL - Defense Boost

  • Reduced armor buff.
    • old - On landing, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+10% move speed and +10 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 5s.
    • new - On landing, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+10% move speed and +5 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 5s.

Skill Siege F.pngF - Overclocked

  • Reduced damage by ~20%
    • old - Energy Blast deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png75 / 100 / 125 dmg.
    • new - Energy Blast deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png60 / 80 / 100 dmg.
    • old - SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1200 / 2450 / 3700 total dmg.
    • new - SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1035 / 2050 / 3075 total dmg.


Skill Rogue 3.pngQ, Q - Can I Kick It?

  • Now applies cancel
    • SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemy actions (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

Tyto the Swift

Skill Swift F.pngF - Blur

  • Now applies cancel
    • SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemy actions (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).


Skill Judo 4.pngE - Tonguelash

AttackRange.pngT E - Tongue Tide

  • Now changes pull into 1 sec Daze (original patch notes say "instead of extending the range", but the range is still extended with this talent)
    • SquarePulledStatusEffect.pngPulls enemy (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
    • SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 1s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).


Skill Despair 3.pngQ - Wave of Sorrow

  • Now applies cancel
    • SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemy actions (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).


  • Increased focus gain by 20%

Skill Aura 2.pngRMB - Aura of Strength

  • Increased aura range and duration
    • old - SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png5m radius, Time.png3s duration.
    • new - SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png7m radius, Time.png4s duration.

Skill Aura 3.pngQ - Aura of Haste

  • Increased aura range and duration
    • old - SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png5m radius, Time.png3s duration.
    • new - SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png7m radius, Time.png4s duration.

Skill Aura 4.pngE - Aura of Life

  • Increased aura range and duration
    • old - SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png5m radius, Time.png3s duration.
    • new - SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png7m radius, Time.png4s duration.