Strategy Guide

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From team comps and creature summoning to the finer details of combat, this guide will help take your game to the next level (work in progress).

Team Comps

Team comps in Gigantic can be somewhat flexible, but certain comps can have weaknesses that your opponents may be able to exploit. You should try to build a comp that has multiple strengths, and also diverse enough that it is not shut down by one or two counters.

It is much better to pick heroes that you are good at than heroes that counter the enemy team.


All comps should have the following capabilities

  • SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pngInterrupts - most heroes on a team need to be able to interrupt a creature when it gathers power.
  • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.pngDamage - teams need to be able to put out a high amount of damage to control open areas, secure kills, and wound guardians.
  • Late game - multiple heroes need to be strong at max level with clash talent bonuses. It is difficult to win matches entirely in the early game.


  • Poke damage - good for controlling open areas.
  • Burst damage - good for breaking through enemy healing, following up on cc, and killing creatures.
  • Sustained damage - good for winning prolonged fights and wounding guardians.
  • Crowd control - good for shutting down melee assassins, forcing fights, and securing kills.
  • Assassin - good for pressuring squishy heroes and finishing kills.
  • HealHealing - good for winning prolonged fights and holding aggressive positions on the map.
  • Tank - good for absorbing a lot of damage and winning prolonged fights.


  • SquarePurifiedStatusEffect.pngPurify, SquareInvulnerableStatusEffect.pngImmunity - counters crowd control and debuffs.
  • SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngSlow - counters low mobility heroes, especially if they lack escape skills.
  • SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngPoison - counters enemy healing and armor.
  • SquareBleedingStatusEffect.pngBleed, SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.pngignore armor - counters armored heroes and armor buffs.
  • Backdooring - counters teams that stay as a group of 5, especially if they lack mobility.
  • SquareRadiusStatusEffect.pngAoE, pierce - counters enemies that group tightly during a fight.
  • SquareReflectStatusEffect.pngReflect, SquareDeflectStatusEffect.pngdeflect - counters projectile heroes and poke damage.


The most common division of heroes during a match are either a 5-man group or a 4-1 split.


5 Man

When moving as a 5 man group, the goal is for everyone to attack the thing that will die first:

  • An out of position enemy hero
  • An undefended enemy creature
  • An enemy assassin that is diving the backline.

Be careful of the following mistakes when in a 5 man:

  • Don't attack different targets - the more damage is spread to different targets, the less effective a 5 man will be.
  • Don't split off to chase kills - this exposes the chaser to danger and reduces the amount of damage the 5 man can put on the next target.
  • Don't tunnel vision on your target while ignoring your teammates - if you focus only on offense, your teammates may be pushed back or killed, reducing the power of the 5 man.

4 - 1 Split

A 4-1 split usually has a melee assassin or a backdoor hero split off from the rest of the team.

  • The one split hero must be self sufficient and able to win 1v1s vs enemy heroes.
  • The goal of the one split hero is to force the enemy team to respond, often by threatening creatures or harassing enemy backliners.
  • The split hero can rejoin their team to win a big fight, but will often split off again when a fight is stalled and not much is happening.


Awareness is key in Gigantic, as each player only has vision in a limited cone in front of their hero. Look at the minimap often to check whether nearby teammates are under attack, and try to keep track of all 10 players in the match. If you can't see all 5 enemy heroes and they are all alive, chances are they are moving to either flank your team or attack your creatures. Awareness and response speed are the best way to counter enemy melee assassins and backdoor pushers - every second counts.




  • DO always have at least 1 bloomer summoned per map.
  • DO place a bloomer at a point that your team naturally retreats to for safety.
    • For example on Ghost Reef always place a bloomer on Power circle ally.png C.
    • Having a bloomer will allow your team to heal and rejoin the fight more quickly.
  • DON'T place a bloomer on a backside point that has already had a creature die.
    • An enemy hero that is focused on backdooring will find a bloomer the easiest to kill.
  • DON'T place a bloomer on a point where another creature (often a cyclops or drake) can get much better value.


  • Bloomers have a single damaging roots attack that travels along the ground every 2-4s.
    • Ranged heroes can avoid this attack just by strafing.
    • Melee heroes can dodge this attack on reaction (jump or dodge when the bloomer slams the ground).
    • A single uncontested hero can easily avoid all attacks from the bloomer.
  • Young bloomers side dodge on a timer during combat. Wait until its dodge is over before using high damage abilities to ensure that they hit.
  • Adult bloomers do not move or dodge. Ranged heroes can take advantage of this on certain points to attack them for free without the creature attacking back.
  • If an allied hero not at full health is near the bloomer, it will heal that hero instead of attacking any enemies or dodging.