Getting Started Guide

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This guide will take you through your first few games as a new player.

Get the Game

Gigantic: Rampage Edition is available for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox for $20. While it's system requirements were somewhat high back in 2016, any recent gaming pc should have no trouble running the game, and it runs great on last generation consoles. The game can be played with either mouse and keyboard or controller, and both input styles are viable at every level of play. The installed size of the game is just under 16 GB.

There is no account creation necessary on first start, as it uses the account information of whatever platform the game was purchased on. You will be presented with a tutorial to teach you some of the basics of the game.


Pick either Knossos (melee) or Beckett (ranged) for the tutorial, it doesn't matter which as you will be able to play both of them afterwards.

You can exit out of the tutorial to skip it and get right to playing matches, but you can still come back and replay it later if needed.

Tutorial Map

This map will walk you through the basic controls for your hero.

Power Race Tutorial Map

This map will teach you the basics of the power race on the map Ghost Reef.

  • It can be a lot to take in at once and you will probably end up forgetting a lot of the information as a new player.

Bot Match

This is just a regular match against AI controlled heroes on the map Ghost Reef.

Adjust Settings

There are a few settings that are worth changing before you get into a real match:

  • Gameplay > General > Show upgrade UI 2nd tier - [On]
    • Show information about the 2nd tier of upgrades when deciding between the 1st tier.
  • Gameplay > Mouse/Keyboard Input > Double tap to dodge [Off]
    • Prevents accidental dodge inputs from pressing sprint key twice rapidly.
  • Keybindings > Dodge (PC)
    • You may want to set this to a key other than sprint in order to have more control over your character.
    • Some players use a key right above spacebar such as V or B so that they can easily press it with their thumb while moving with their fingers.
    • Be sure to rebind any other control that uses the key that you bind to, such as Push to talk for V.
  • Interface > Show power event feed - [On]
    • Displays a feed of player kills and other power events.
  • Interface > Show power event feed - [On]
    • Enables a display of active status effects on your hero shown to the left of your healthbar.
  • Video > Motion blur - [Off]
    • Removes an unnecessary graphical effect that makes it harder to understand what is going on.

Check out this video for demonstrations of some common settings.

PvP Matches

Now that you are through the tutorial, you can hop directly into some PvP matches! Don't be afraid of being bad, and use your first few matches to try out heroes that look fun. Also pay attention to any heroes that your allies or enemies are playing, as you might be inspired to pick them up yourself. Most importantly, have fun!

Rush Mode

Your first few matches have to be played in Rush Mode until you reach account level 10. Do not worry too much about builds or strategy, but use these games to learn the controls, learn the maps, and be a part of the action.

In this mode you can switch heroes any time you die, so feel free to try out multiple heroes in a match until you find one you like.


  • Try different heroes and find one you like
  • Be a part of the action, get into fights, and try to survive them
    • Surviving is more important than getting a kill
    • Run back to your creatures for healing
  • Use SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus skills as often as possible
  • Stay grounded in combat, do not jump unless needed (it wastes stamina).
  • Use dodges to avoid enemy attacks
  • When low on SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngstamina, stop using movement abilities and skills in order to regain stamina
    • Avoid going to zero stamina when possible, as it takes much longer for it to start regenerating
  • Notice the power score at the top, and understand that when a rampage occurs the leading team goes on offense while the losing team defends.

Clash Mode

Once you reach account level 10 you can start playing Clash Mode, which is the main game mode. Full-size maps are available, new mechanics are introduced, and your heroes no longer start at max level.


  • Start practicing and improve at playing one hero
    • Learn hero builds and create a custom build, or copy one from an online build guide.
  • Summon creatures at the start of a map
  • Understand power, and keep track of which point power is spawning at next
  • Learn all the maps
    • Learn the clash transformations of every map, and how to survive the ones that can be deadly (ex. Sanctum Falls)
  • Push on offensive rampages when there is no auto wound
    • Don't die on the retreat afterwards
  • Defend on defensive rampages and kill or push away enemy heroes without dying.