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A player is in combat if they either use an attack, deal damage or are dealt damage.

  • When a hero deals or takes damage they are marked as in combat and their combat timer is refreshed to Time.png7s.
  • Using an attack that misses or does not hit enemies will not begin or refresh the combat timer.
  • Out of combat heroes will passively regenerate health, and can sprint and jump without spending stamina.

There is a combat indicator of crossed swords just above the focus ability graphic on the HUD, with the following behavior:

  • The icon darkens when out of combat
  • The icon flashes white when attacking or using offensive abilities. This happens both in and out of combat.
  • The icon leaps out and plays an animation when you first enter combat. This can occur when you take damage, or when you deal damage to an enemy.
  • A black bar will fill the area around the swords icon while you are in combat. The black area represents the combat timer and will shrink towards the bottom over time as long as you do not deal or receive damage. Dealing or receiving damage resets the timer and fully expands the black bar.