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SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngFocus is a hero resource that builds by damaging enemies or healing allies. It can be consumed to use a focus skill (ultimate) or upgrade a creature.

Each bar of focus is 250 points and the maximum your hero can store is 750 points, or 3 bars. Focus skills can be used once you have 1 bar, but get more powerful if used with additional bars. Using a focus skill always consumes all focus including any partial bars, so be careful not to waste 90% of a bar by using your focus skill too early. Upgrading a creature only consumes the indicated number of full bars.

Most actions can be cancelled by priming the focus skill, allowing for new movement options and faster follow ups at high levels of play.

Once your focus skill is either used or primed and cancelled, you will be unable to prime or use the focus skill again for Time.png5s, indicated by a yellow diamond timer in the top right of your focus skill icon.