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Gigantic has a Friends system that allows players to add accounts and form crews, or parties, to play as a group.


The Friends menu can be accessed from the main menu.

Platform Friends

You can add friends using the account system of the platform you are playing on.

Gigantic Friends

You can add friends using in-game profiles no matter what platform they play on.

  • Cross Play must be enabled.


Add a friend by typing in their Gigantic ID, or choosing a recently met player.


Show pending friend invites.


Show players that have been blocked.

Forming a Crew

Players can play together by forming a crew.

  • Your current crew is displayed in the bottom right of the main menu.
    • Click an empty slot to bring up a menu to invite a friend.
    • Click an occupied slot to ??? (likely promote to leader, kick, add friend, view profile).
  • To join another friend's crew
    • ????
  • To leave your current crew
    • ????