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Mouse / Keyboard Input

  • Invert Look - [On, Off]
    • Invert camera controls for the Y axis when using a mouse.
  • Mouse sensitivity [1 ... 10 ... 100]
    • Scales camera turning speed when the mouse is moved
  • Mouse smoothing [On, Off]
    • Prevents inconsistent movement from low resolution mice
  • Double tap to dodge [On, Off]
    • Press sprint key twice rapidly to dodge left, right, or back (this often happens by accident)
  • Use focus priming - mouse / keyboard [On, Off]
    • On - press the focus key once to prime the focus, then press either skill 1 or focus key to fire.
    • Off - press the focus key once to fire the focus. Additionally, you can press and hold the focus key to prime the focus, then release to fire.

Controller Input

  • Invert Look - [On, Off]
    • Invert camera controls for the Y axis when using a controller.
  • Horizontal sensitivity [1 ... 4 ... 10]
    • Scales camera turning speed on the X axis
  • Vertical sensitivity [1 ... 4 ... 10]
    • Scales camera turning speed on the Y axis
  • Aim assist [On, Off]
    • Helps track targets near the targeting reticle
  • Press sprint to stop [On, Off]
    • Press the sprint button a second time to stop sprinting.
  • Use focus priming - controller [On, Off]
    • On - press the focus key once to prime the focus, then press either skill 1 or focus key to fire.
    • Off - press the focus key once to fire the focus. Additionally, you can press and hold the focus key to prime the focus, then release to fire.


Mouse and Keyboard

Camera Mouse
Sprint Shift
Dodge Left Shift + Direction
Jump Space
Skill 1 LMB
Skill 2 RMB
Skill 3 Q
Skill 4 E
Focus Skill F
Open Upgrades
(Hold) Quick Upgrade
Left Ctrl
Creature 1 1
Creature 2 2
Creature 3 3
Collect Power Orb 4
Scoreboard Tab
Pause Menu Esc
Ping Wheel (Hold) MMB
Chat Message Enter
Push to Talk V


Default controls on a controller


  • Show skill cooldowns on reticle - [On, Off]
    • Displays small circles with all the currently active skill cooldowns around the central crosshairs.
  • Show power event feed - [On, Off]
    • Displays a feed of player kills and other power events.
  • Show chat / ping feed - [On, Off]
    • Displays messages from other players.
  • Chat / ping filter [All teammates, Crew only, Disabled]
    • Selects from which players you will see messages
  • Flip mini map - [On, Off]
    • Flips the map so your team is always on the bottom
  • Upgrade Interface - Mouse/Keyboard [Toggle, Hold]
    • Toggle - pressing the key once will bring the interface up, pressing it again will close the interface
    • Hold - holding the key will bring the interface up, releasing it will close the interface
  • Force window to front on match found [On, Off]
    • Brings the game window to the front when a match is found so that you can click the Ready button.
  • Enable peripheral lighting [On, Off]
    • Enables lighting effects for compatible hardware.


  • Master volume - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of all sound from the game
  • Music volume - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of all music in menus and matches
  • Menu music - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of music in menus
  • Ambient music - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of ambient music heard between rampages during a match
  • Sound effects volume - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of all sound effects in menus and matches
  • Environment sound effects - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of environment sound effects in matches
  • UI sound effects - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of UI sound effects in menus and matches
  • Character voice volume - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of all character voices in menus and matches
  • Guardian announcer voice - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of guardian announcer voices in matches
  • Hero voice - [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjusts the volume of hero voices in menus and matches


  • Enable voice chat - [On, Off]
    • Enables voice communication with other players
  • Input device (microphone) [Default, ...]
    • Allows you to select which microphone to use for voice chat, if you have more than one available.
  • Output device - [Default, ...]
    • Allows you to select where voice chat audio will be played, if you have more than one speaker or headphone option available.
  • Voice chat volume, other players [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjust the volume of other players' voice chat.
  • Microphone sensitivity, self [0% ... 100%]
    • Adjust the volume of your own voice chat.
  • Push-to-talk - [On, Off]
    • On - only transmits your voice when you hold down an input (set in Keybindings).
    • Off - constantly transmits your voice.


  • [PC] Display mode - [Fullscreen, Windowed, Borderless fullscreen]
  • Resolution - [1360x768, 1366x768, 1600x900, 1920x1080, 2560x1440]
  • Vsync - [On, Off]
  • Graphics quality - [Low, Medium, High]
    • Affects environment, material, and post-processing effects. Lowering this will increase CPU and GPU performance
  • Texture detail - [Low, Medium, High]
    • Controls the fidelity and sharpness of the textures applied to all characters, objects, and game elements. Higher quality textures are crisper and more detailed. Lowering this will reduce the amount of system and video memory used.
  • Dynamic shadows - [On, Off]
    • Enables dynamic shadows cast by character models. Disabling this will increase CPU and GPU performance
  • Motion blur - [On, Off]
    • Simulates the camera effect of blurring objects in view as the camera pans, tilts, or tracks rapidly. Disabling this will increase GPU performance.
  • Anisotropic filtering - [Off, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x]
    • Improves the sharpness of textures, especially those viewed at an angle. Lowering this will increase GPU performance.