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GiganticScreenshot - NagaGriffin.jpg

Guardians are giant beasts that anchor each team's position in a match and fight against enemy heroes. While they are invincible for most of the match, the main objective of each team is to defeat the enemy guardian by attacking its weak point during a rampage. Guardians also respawn their heroes and are announcers for their teams.

List of Guardians

Icon Name House Species Description
UI SharedResources HeroPortraits.HUDGuardian Griffin Single.png
Leiran Aurion Griffin A giant golden female griffin that shoots beams from her eyes and attacks with claws
UI SharedResources HeroPortraits.HUDGuardian Naga Single.png
Grenn Devaedra Naga A giant purple male serpent that shoots beams from his mouth and throws orbs of energy



Guardians attack enemy heroes that come near them, inflicting damage and status effects. Guardian attacks can be dodged and projectiles can be reflected, but reflected attacks will deal no damage to the guardian.


Main article: Rampage

Once a guardian gains enough power it will rampage across the battlefield and pin down the enemy guardian, damaging it, preventing it from attacking, and leaving its weak point vulnerable to heroes.


Depleting a guardian's health bar during a rampage will deal it a wound, removing a heart icon next to the health bar. A guardian will survive until it receives a certain number of wounds, depending on the game mode. Damage dealt to guardians is permanent during a match, so progress towards dealing a wound during one rampage will carry over to the next.

Wounds Remaining Max SquareHealStatusEffect.pngHealth Max SquareShieldStatusEffect.pngShield
3 6000 700
2 8000 700
1 10000 700

Guardians have 30 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor, making cracked armor and broken armor particularly effective against them.


During the transition to clash the guardians reshape the map, sometimes destroying terrain and other times changing the forces of nature (water level, ice storm).


Guardians serve the Great Houses in the world of Gig.