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Ranged DPS

QHS Warden.png
Role - Ranged DPS / Support
Archetype - Shooter / Utility
SquareEHPStatusEffect.png1941.2 EHP
SquareHealStatusEffect.png1650 HP
SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png15 armor
SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png670 move speed
SquareDPSStatusEffect.png183.3 / 169.2 proj base dps
SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1016.0 total dmg over 5s
SquareFocusStatusEffect.png225 / 275 / 350 AoE dmg, immobilize
Baseline effects
Upgrade effects



Voden is a fast, squishy long-range archer that brings a balance of damage and utility to the battlefield.

  • His main attack is a bow that can be quick fired or charged up for more powerful shots.
  • He is a very versatile hero with a ton of utility, and can fit into any team comp.
  • Voden has some skills that shine with coordinated teams, but is also effective when played solo in a more chaotic match.
  • His focus is one of the best at quickly punishing an out of position hero, and can also be used in wombo combos with coordinated teams.

Great aim, positioning, fast movement, and smart use of skills allow Voden to pin down and eliminate his enemies.


Skill Warden 1.png
LMB - Shoot an arrow

Charges and shoots an arrow projectile.

  • Charge Level 1
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png165 dmg.
    • Projectile, 0.90s / hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png183.3 dps.
    • Projectile arcs mildly due to gravity.
  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png225 dmg.
    • Projectile, 1.33s / hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png169.2 dps.
    • +43% projectile speed.
    • Projectile arcs slightly due to gravity.
  • Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 20m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-25% at 40m.
Skill Warden 2.png
Poison Spores
RMB - Poisoned ground

Spreads toxic spores on the ground under Voden in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius, lasting Time.png6s

  • SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngPoisons, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 4s.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png189 total dmg.
  • While standing in area, Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed applies poison, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 4s.

This effect also applies to the attacks of decoys.

Skill Warden 3.png
Green Man
Q - Summon decoy

Summons a clone at Voden's location that walks to target location while attacking enemies within 10m for Time.png5s.

  • SquareEHPStatusEffect.png1941.2 EHP.
  • SquareHealStatusEffect.png1650 HP.
  • SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png15 armor.
  • Clone spawns with the same current HP as Voden.
  • 0.9s / hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png55.6 dps.
  • 6 total hits.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png300 total dmg.
  • On use, Voden gains SquareStealthStatusEffect.pngstealth for Time.png5s.
  • If Voden breaks stealth, clone immediately vanishes.

The clone dying does not break Voden's stealth.

Skill Warden 4.png
Hidden Spring
E - Healing spring

Creates a healing spring on the ground under Voden in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for Time.png6s.

  • Spring applies Heal+45 HP/s healing to Voden and allies for 0.5s.
  • 7 total ticks of healing.
  • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png315 total healing.
Skill Warden F.png
Natural Roots
F - Entangling arrow

Shoots an arrow that holds targets with roots.

  • Projectile does not arc.
  • On impact, damages, SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngcancels, and SquareImmobilizedStatusEffect.pngimmobilizes enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png4m radius (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts.
    • Direct hit affects enemies instantly.
    • AoE hit affects enemies after a short delay.
    • Each enemy can only be hit once, does not double hit.
  • SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngFocus increases
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png225 / SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png275 / SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png350 dmg.
    • SquareImmobilizedStatusEffect.pngImmobilizes for 2s / 3s / 4s.


Skill Warden 1.pngLMB - Arrowed

Upgrade Attack.png
Upgrade path L.png
LMB L - Full charge damage

Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed

  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png225 270 dmg.
    • Projectile, 1.33s / hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png169.2 202.5 dps.
Upgrade Agility.png
Bow Flex
Upgrade path LL.png
LMB LL - Charge speed

Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed

  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s 0.27s
    • 1.33s 1.16s / hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 231.4 dps.
Upgrade Attack.png
Upgrade path LR.png
LMB LR - Projectile speed, falloff

Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed

  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s
    • +43% +71% projectile speed.
    • Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 20m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-25% at 40m.

Falloff is only removed for charge level 2.

Upgrade Improvement.png
Spread the Pain
Upgrade path R.png
LMB R - Spread shot

Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed

  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png225 165 dmg.
    • Fires 4 additional arrows on either side of main arrow (2 on left, 2 on right).
      • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png35 dmg each.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png169.2 228.8 dps.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png225 305 total dmg.

Although the in-game tooltip does not show it, this upgrade lowers the damage of the main arrow to the same as an uncharged shot.

Upgrade Attack.png
Piercing Arrow
Upgrade path RL.png
LMB RL - Pierce enemies

Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed

  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s
    • Pierces enemies.
Upgrade Control.png
Tangleroot Tips
Upgrade path RR.png
LMB RR - Slow, focus

Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed

  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.43s
    • Vs enemies within 10m:
      • SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngSlows, -20% move speed for 2s.
      • Gain +2 +6 SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus per arrow on hit.

Skill Warden 2.pngRMB - Poison Spores

Upgrade Improvement.png
More Spores
Upgrade path L.png
RMB L - Radius, duration

Skill Warden 2.pngPoison Spores

  • Spreads toxic spores on the ground under Voden in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m 3m radius, lasting Time.png6s 8s.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png189 231 total dmg.
Upgrade Attack.png
Upgrade path LL.png
RMB LL - Initial damage

Skill Warden 2.pngPoison Spores

  • When AoE first applies poison to an enemy, deals SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png150 dmg, ignoring armor.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png231 381 total dmg.

    This effect does not apply to poisoned arrows.

    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Upgrade path LR.png
    RMB LR - Poison spreads

    Skill Warden 2.pngPoison Spores

    • Cooldown.png13s 18s cooldown.
    • Enemies hit by original area or poison arrows gain an attached poison aura for Time.png4s.
      • SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngPoisons, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s while in aura.
      • Aura duration is refreshed if hit by original AoE or poisoned arrow.

    This effect does not stack with original poison or other auras.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Seeking Spores
    Upgrade path R.png
    RMB R - Projectile

    Skill Warden 2.pngPoison Spores is replaced by Skill Warden 2.pngSeeking Spores.

    Skill Warden 2.png
    Seeking Spores
    RMB - Poison ball

    Throws a poison projectile in a straight line.

    • On impact, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png1m radius.
      • Direct hit deals SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png250 dmg, ignoring armor.
      • AoE hit deals SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png100 dmg, ignoring armor.
      • Cannot double hit.
    • SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngPoisons, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 4s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png189 376 total dmg.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Hungry Spores
    Upgrade path RL.png
    RMB RL - Homing projectile

    Skill Warden 2.pngSeeking Spores

    • Throws a poison homing projectile in a straight line.

    The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that the range decreases, but it does not.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Accute Poison
    Upgrade path RR.png
    RMB RR - Direct hit damage

    Skill Warden 2.pngPoison Spores

      • Direct hit deals SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png250 300 dmg, ignoring armor.
      • Direct hit SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngHeavy poisons, -50% -75% healing and 21 23 dmg/s for 4s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png376 434 total dmg.

    AoE hit remains unchanged, and still applies regular poison.

    Skill Warden 3.pngQ - Green Man

    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Alternate Root
    Upgrade path L.png
    Q L - Teleport to clone

    Skill Warden 3.pngGreen Man

    • Cooldown.png20s 15s cooldown.
  • Cooldown does not begin until clone disappears.
  • Press Q again while clone is alive to use Skill Warden 3.pngAlternate Root.
  • Skill Warden 3.png
    Alternate Root
    Q, Q - Teleport to clone

    Teleports to Voden's clone and unsummons it.

    • Clone must be alive to use this skill.

    The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that this skill has 10m range, when it actually has unlimited range (needs testing).

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Leaf No Trace
    Upgrade path LL.png
    Q LL - Stamina, move speed

    Skill Warden 3.pngAlternate Root

  • Restores +15 SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngstamina.
  • Gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+30% move speed for 3s.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    One With Nature
    Upgrade path LR.png
    Q LR - Heal

    Skill Warden 3.pngAlternate Root

  • Heals Voden Heal+250 HP.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Companion's Boon
    Upgrade path R.png
    Q R - Increased damage

    Skill Warden 3.pngGreen Man

  • Dodges between shots.
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png50 180 dmg / hit.
    • 1.9s / hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png55.6 94.7 dps.
    • 6 3 total hits.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png300 540 total dmg.
    • On use, Voden gains SquareStealthStatusEffect.pngstealth for Time.png5s.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Spore Imitation
    Upgrade path RL.png
    Q RL - Homing poison cloud

    Skill Warden 3.pngGreen Man

    • First attack throws a homing poison cloud instead of firing an arrow.
      • SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png150 dmg, ignores armor.
      • SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngPoisons, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 4s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png540 594 total dmg.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Spring to Life
    Upgrade path RR.png
    Q RR - Healing spring

    Skill Warden 3.pngGreen Man

    • On use, clone immediately creates a healing spring on the ground in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for Time.png6s.
      • Spring applies Heal+45 HP/s healing to Voden and allies for 0.5s.
      • 7 total ticks of healing.
      • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png315 total healing.
    • 3 2 total hits.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png540 360 total dmg.

    Skill Warden 4.pngE - Hidden Spring

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Well Wishes
    Upgrade path L.png
    E L - Second spring

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

    • Creates a healing spring on the ground under Voden and at target location in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for Time.png6s.
    • SquareRangeStatusEffect.pngSelf 20m range.
    • Spring applies Heal+45 +67.5 HP/s healing to Voden and allies for 0.5s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png315 472.5 total healing.
    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Recovery Time
    Upgrade path LL.png
    E LL - Increased duration

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

    • Springs last for Time.png6s 7s.
    • Spring applies Heal+67.5 HP/s healing to Voden and allies for 0.5s 1s.
    • 7 8 total ticks of healing.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png472.5 540 total healing.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Spring Cleaning
    Upgrade path LR.png
    E LR - Heal

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

  • On creation, SquarePurifiedStatusEffect.pngpurifies debuffs on Voden and allies in either spring.
  • This purifies both damaging debuffs and CC.

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Upgrade path R.png
    E R - Super jump

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

  • Spring allows Voden and allies to SquareJumpHeightBoostStatusEffect.pngsuper jump for 0.2s.
  • Upgrade Control.png
    Burst Forth
    Upgrade path RL.png
    E RL - Push and slow

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

  • On creation SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngpushes 7.5m away (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
  • On creation SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngslows, -20% move speed for 1s.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Spring to Life
    Upgrade path RR.png
    E RR - Stamina

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

  • On use restores +25 SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngstamina.

  • Skill Warden F.pngF - Natural Roots / Passive

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Easy Strider
    Upgrade path L.png
    F L - Sprint speed and cost


  • Gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+10% sprint speed.
    • Sprint costs SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png11.5 8.63 stamina per second (25% less).
    Upgrade Agility.png
    Upgrade path LL.png
    F LL - Max stamina


    • SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png100 125 max stamina.
    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Hit and Run
    Upgrade path LR.png
    F LR - Focus use buffs

    Skill Warden F.pngNatural Roots

  • On use, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+10% move speed and +10 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor until death.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Tactical Awareness
    Upgrade path R.png
    F R - Back damage and reduction


  • +10% backstab SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
  • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% backstab damage.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path RL.png
    F RL - Heal on kill


  • On kill or assist, gain Heal+65 HP/s self healing for 4s.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Focused Might
    Upgrade path RR.png
    F RR - Focus use buffs

    Skill Warden F.pngNatural Roots

  • On use, gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+7% basic attack damage until death. Stacks 2x.
  • This applies to both normal and charged shots, but does not affect Green Man's clone damage.

    This also applies to the extra arrows from LMB R - Spread the Pain.


    T RMB - Duration, damage buff

    Skill Warden 2.pngPoison Spores

    • SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngPoisons, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 4s 5s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png189 210 total dmg.
    • While standing in area, Skill Warden 1.pngArrowed applies poison, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 4s 5s.


    • When Voden applies poison to an enemy, allies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png10m radius gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+15% damage for Time.png5s.
      • This buff cannot be refreshed while active, but can be reapplied after it expires.

    This upgrade is currently bugged and does not grant the damage buff to nearby allies.

    The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that the poison area lasts 1s longer, but the actual effect is that the applied poison from the AoE and poisoned arrows lasts 1s longer.

    Voden does not gain the increased damage buff.

    Heart of Oak
    T Q - Duration, damage reduction

    Skill Warden 3.pngGreen Man

    • Clone lasts Time.png5s 6s.
    • On use, Voden gains SquareStealthStatusEffect.pngstealth for Time.png5s 6s.
    • 6 7 total hits.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png300 350 total dmg.


  • While clone is alive, gain +20% SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
  • This talent will also allow the clone to fire an extra arrow with Q R - Companion's Boon, as well as with either Q RL or Q RR upgrade.

    Spring Back
    T E - Healing, cooldown

    Skill Warden 4.pngHidden Spring

  • Gains Heal+35% healing.
  • Clash

  • If an ally is in the initial area of a spring, cooldown is reduced to Cooldown.png15s 10s.
  • Notes

    • If Voden shoots an arrow while airborne and immediately dodges afterwards he will charge up the next arrow much more quickly, allowing for higher burst damage at the cost of stamina.
    • Use your clone before you take too much damage - if used at low health, the clone will spawn with low health and die quickly.
    • Voden is one of two heroes with access to a super jump pad, which makes the E R - Geyser upgrade a very strong choice.
    • Because of diminishing returns Hidden Spring is not that useful on heroes that are already receiving healing from a creature - instead try to use it on the battlefield to keep your allies topped up.
    • Voden's focus is one of the best for punishing an enemy assassin diving on your team's backline.