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Melee DPS

QHS Shadow.png
Role - Melee DPS
Archetype - Assassin
SquareEHPStatusEffect.png1882.0 EHP
SquareHealStatusEffect.png1600 HP
SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png15 armor
SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png650 move speed
SquareDPSStatusEffect.png160.8 melee base dps
SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1415.0 total dmg over 5s
SquareFocusStatusEffect.png Reveal enemies, buff self for 10s
Baseline effects
Upgrade effects



Kajir is a tricky, squishy melee assassin with high single target burst damage and a variety of status effects.

  • He often lurks on the sides of the battlefield, waiting for an opportunity to execute isolated targets.
  • Kajir's Q is a powerful tool that enables him to wait at a safe distance before engaging.
  • His charge RMB into basic attacks and dodge attacks deal some of the highest dps in the game, and are great for bursting down a target.
  • His E isn't quite as straightforward as the escapes of most other heroes, but can be highly effective if the player is tricky and unpredictable.
  • His focus lets the entire team see enemy heroes at all times, on top of giving Kajir buffs that make his burst damage even more deadly.

Deadly pressure, patience, and unpredictability make Kajir strike fear into all his opponents, even the ones with more health.


Skill Shadow 1.png
LMB - Swing sickles

Performs a 4 hit combo.

  • Melee, 1.98 hits/s, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png160.8 dps.
  • 4th hit deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png100 dmg.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png325 total dmg per combo.
Skill Shadow 1.png
Jump Slice
Jump + LMB - Spining jump attack

Performs a spinning jump attack.

Skill Shadow 1.png
Dodge Slice
Dodge + LMB - Lunge attack

Lunges forward with a quick attack.

Skill Shadow 2.png
Back Stab
RMB - Overhead attack

Charge up a melee overhead attack, then lunges forward and performs it.

  • Attack time on release - Time.png0.75s.
  • Charge Level 1
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png250 dmg.
  • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.75s
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png350 dmg.
    • SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngFreezes enemies, -30% move speed and 50 dmg/s for 2s.
    • SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemies (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png450 total dmg.
Skill Shadow 3.png
Unseen Blade
Q - Throw dagger, teleport

Throws a large dagger projectile in a straight line.

  • On hit, Kajir teleports to the target.
  • If enemy is above 75% health, deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png200 400 dmg.
Skill Shadow 4.png
Smoke Bomb
E - Smoke cloud

Hold to create a smoke cloud in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png1.5m radius that lasts Time.png3s.

  • Smoke cloud follows Kajir as he moves and grants SquareStealthStatusEffect.pngstealth.
  • Cannot sprint.
  • Can be cancelled with a dodge, hard landing, or any skill use.
  • On release, uses Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew.
  • Cooldown does not begin until end of smoke bomb.
    • Does not go on cooldown if cancelled by enemies.

Smoke cloud does not grant stealth to allies.

Skill Shadow 4.png
Skeleton Crew
E, Release - Split off clones

Dash out of the smoke, splitting off 2 clones that last Time.png5s.

  • SquareEHPStatusEffect.png800 EHP
  • SquareHealStatusEffect.png1600 HP
  • SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png0 armor
  • Clones take double damage.
  • Clones walk and sprint when Kajir does so.
  • One clone has attacking AI and the other has fleeing AI. This is chosen randomly each use.
  • Attacking clone can hit up to 9 times.
  • All clone hits deal the same damage, unlike Kajir's basic attack combo.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png315 total dmg.
  • Skill Shadow 4.pngSmoke Bomb goes on Cooldown.png12s 20s cooldown.
Skill Shadow F.png
F - Reveal enemies, buff

Enter predator mode for Time.png10s.

  • All enemy heroes are revealed to Kajir and allies (render through terrain).
  • Kajir and Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew gain increased SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.pngattack damage.
  • Kajir gains increased SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngmove speed.
  • SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngFocus increases
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+25% / +40% / +50% attack damage.
    • SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+25% / +40% / +50% move speed.

Predator mode cannot be cancelled by status effects such as daze and stun, but the buffs can be negated by curse.


Skill Shadow 1.pngLMB - Slice / Jump Slice / Dodge Slice

Upgrade Attack.png
Flurry of Claws
Upgrade path L.png
LMB L - 4th hit buffs

Skill Shadow 1.pngSlice

  • On 4th hit, basic attacks and Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+5% damage for 3s. Stacks 15x
  • This buff does affect jump attacks and dodge attacks.

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Blizzard of Claws
    Upgrade path LL.png
    LMB LL - Extend freeze

    Skill Shadow 1.pngJump Slice

  • On hit, extends SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngfreeze duration by 1.5s.
  • Skill Shadow 1.pngDodge Slice

  • On hit, extends SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngfreeze duration by 1.5s.
  • This currently does not extend the freeze, and thus has no effect.

    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Upgrade path LR.png
    LMB LR - Crit chance buildup

    Skill Shadow 1.pngSlice

  • Doubles SquareCritStatusEffect.pngcrit chance buildup vs enemies recently hit by Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Precise Cut
    Upgrade path R.png
    LMB R - 4th hit damage, speed

    Skill Shadow 1.pngSlice

    • 4th hit deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png100 150 dmg.
    • Melee, 1.98 hits/s, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png160.8 185.5 dps.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png325 375 total dmg per combo.
  • On fourth hit, dodge costs 25% less stamina for 2s.
  • Upgrade Control.png
    Throat Slice
    Upgrade path RL.png
    LMB RL - Backstab damage

    Skill Shadow 1.pngSlice

  • +15% backstab damage.
  • This does not affect jump attacks or dodge attacks.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Organ Pierce
    Upgrade path RR.png
    LMB RR - Bleed

    Skill Shadow 1.pngSlice

  • On the first hit vs an enemy hit by Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade in the last 3s, applies SquareBleedingStatusEffect.pngbleed, 120 dmg/s for 2s.
  • This does not affect jump attacks or dodge attacks.

    The in-game tooltip has incorrect values for bleed damage and duration.

    This upgrade is currently bugged and applies bleed on any target hit during the 3s window.

    Skill Shadow 2.pngRMB - Back Stab

    Upgrade Control.png
    Upgrade path L.png
    RMB L - Charge up further

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

    • Charge Level 1
      • Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png250 dmg.
    • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.75s
      • Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png350 dmg.
      • SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngFreezes enemies, -30% move speed and 50 dmg/s for 2s.
      • SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemies (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png450 total dmg.
    • Charge Level 3 - Time.png1.5s
      • Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png450 dmg.
      • SquareRangeStatusEffect.png5m 7m range.
      • SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngFreezes enemies, -30% move speed and 50 dmg/s for 2s.
      • SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngCancels enemies (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png550 total dmg.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Exhausting Wound
    Upgrade path LL.png
    RMB LL - Weakens enemies

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

    • Charge Level 3 - Time.png1.5s
      • SquareReduceDamageStatusEffect.pngWeakens enemies, -25% damage for 2s.
    Upgrade Agility.png
    Surgical Cut
    Upgrade path LR.png
    RMB LR - Increased freeze

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

    • Charge Level 3 - Time.png1.5s
      • SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngFull freezes enemies, -30% -60% move speed and 50 dmg/s for 2s.
    Upgrade Agility.png
    Swift Blade
    Upgrade path R.png
    RMB R - Speed and damage

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

  • On completion, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+25% move speed for 2s.
  • On hit, gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+5% basic attack damage for 2s.
  • The damage buff on hit occurs at both charge levels.

    Neither buff applies if skill is cancelled.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Invigorating Strike
    Upgrade path RL.png
    RMB RL - Restores stamina

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

  • On completion, restores SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+30 stamina.
  • Stamina is not restored if skill is cancelled.

    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Silent and Unseen
    Upgrade path RR.png
    RMB RR - Recovers cooldown

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

  • On hit, Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade cooldown recovers by Cooldown.png2s.

  • Skill Shadow 3.pngQ - Unseen Blade

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Trick up the Sleeve
    Upgrade path L.png
    Q L - Face target's back

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

    • On hit, Kajir teleports to the target facing their back.
    • Projectile hit always backstabs (SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% dmg).
    Upgrade Control.png
    Upgrade path LL.png
    Q LL - Second use

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

    • Cooldown.png18s 23s cooldown.
    • If enemy is above 75% health, deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png400 350 dmg.
  • If terrain is not hit, the skill may be used a second time within Time.png4s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png200 400 total dmg.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Frost Bomb
    Upgrade path LR.png
    Q LR - AoE freeze

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

  • After teleport, SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngfreezes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2.5m radius, -30% move speed and 50 dmg/s for 4s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png200 400 total dmg.
    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Nimble Maneuver
    Upgrade path R.png
    Q R - Teleport to terrain

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

  • Hold to target a teleport destination.
    • Cooldown.png18s 12s cooldown.
    • SquareRangeStatusEffect.png18m 30m range.
    • Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png200 0 dmg.
    • On hit impact, Kajir teleports to the target or terrain.

    The teleport is not guaranteed to go to the targeted destination, as it goes to whatever the projectile impacts first.

    Some geometry can delete the projectile before impact, preventing the teleport from occurring. This usually happens near crevasses or inner corners.

    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Feline Swiftness
    Upgrade path RL.png
    Q RL - Move speed

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

  • After teleport, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+20% move speed for 2s.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Cursed Blade
    Upgrade path RR.png
    Q RR - Cursed area

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

  • After teleport, create a cursed area in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2.5m radius for 2s.
  • Cursed area applies SquareCursedStatusEffect.pngcurse, prevents buff applications for 3s.

  • Skill Shadow 4.pngE - Smoke Bomb / Skeleton Crew

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Coordinated Trick
    Upgrade path L.png
    E L - Increased damage

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew

    • Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png40 86 dmg.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png360 774 total dmg.
  • Kajir gains SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% basic attack damage while clones are alive.
  • Upgrade Agility.png
    Boarding Crew
    Upgrade path LL.png
    E LL - Both clones attack

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSmoke Bomb

  • Effects are disabled, skill is replaced by Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew.
  • Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew

    • Dash out of the smoke, split off 2 clones that last Time.png5s.
    • One clone has attacking AI and the other has fleeing AI. This is chosen randomly each use.
  • Both clones have attacking AI.
    • SquareRangeStatusEffect.png7m 0m range.
    • Deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png86 53 dmg.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png774 954 total dmg.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Swift Crew
    Upgrade path LR.png
    E LR - Clone speed

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew

  • Clones gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+25% move speed for 3s.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Toxic Bomb
    Upgrade path R.png
    E R - Smoke poisons

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSmoke Bomb

  • Smoke cloud applies SquarePoisonStatusEffect.pngpoison, -50% healing and 21 dmg/s for 2s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png0 84 total dmg.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    What Doesn't Kill You
    Upgrade path RL.png
    E RL - Smoke purifies debuffs

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSmoke Bomb

    • Smoke cloud follows Kajir as he moves and grants SquareStealthStatusEffect.pngstealth.
  • Smoke cloud SquarePurifiedStatusEffect.pngpurifies debuffs on self and allies.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Toxin Shock
    Upgrade path RR.png
    E RR - Damage per debuff

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSmoke Bomb

  • When enemies are first affected, initial hit deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png60 dmg per debuff affecting the enemy, up to 6x.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png84 144 total dmg.

    Debuffs are checked after initial poison is applied.

    Debuffs that have multiple effects such as freeze (damage and slow) and cripple (no jump and slow) count as two debuffs when this skill calculates damage. Poison only counts as one debuff.

    Only one instance of each type of effect deals damage. For example if an enemy is crippled, frozen, and poisoned, it will count for 4 debuffs, even though both cripple and freeze individually count as slow.

    Skill Shadow F.pngF - Predator / Passive

    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Upgrade path L.png
    F L - Dodge attack damage

    Skill Shadow 1.pngDodge Slice

  • Gains SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+15% damage.
  • Upgrade Agility.png
    Upgrade path LL.png
    F LL - Damage buff on kill


  • On kill, Skill Shadow 1.pngSlice gains SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+5% damage until death. Stacks 3x.
  • This also affects jump attacks and dodge attacks.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Strength in Numbers
    Upgrade path LR.png
    F LR - Reduced dodge cost

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew

  • Kajir gains +10 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor while clones are alive.
  • Upgrade Agility.png
    Upgrade path R.png
    F R - Max stamina


    • SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png100 125 max stamina.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Easy Strider
    Upgrade path RL.png
    F RL - Sprint speed and cost


  • Gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+10% sprint speed.
    • Sprint costs SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png11.5 8.63 stamina per second (25% less).
    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Pure Escapism
    Upgrade path RR.png
    F RR - Dodge purifies


  • Dodge SquarePurifiedStatusEffect.pngpurifies debuffs. This effect has a Cooldown.png20s cooldown.

  • Talents

    T RMB - Cooldown, increased freeze

    Skill Shadow 2.pngBack Stab

    • Cooldown.png10s 8s cooldown.


    • Charge Level 2 - Time.png0.75s
      • SquareFrozenStatusEffect.pngDeep freezes enemies, -30% -45% move speed and 50 dmg/s for 2s.
    Weak Spot
    T Q - Reduced threshold, daze

    Skill Shadow 3.pngUnseen Blade

    • If enemy is above 75% 50% health, deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png400 dmg.


  • After teleport, SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngdazes enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2.5m radius for 1s.
  • SkillShieldAddition.png
    Savvy Captain
    T E - Clone hp and duration

    Skill Shadow 4.pngSkeleton Crew

    • Clones last Time.png5s 6s.
    • Clones have SquareHealStatusEffect.png1600 1900 HP, SquareHealStatusEffect.png800 950 EHP.


  • Kajir gains +25% Degen Resistancedegen resistance while clones are alive.
  • This upgrade is currently bugged when taken alongside E LL - Boarding Crew, and does not extend the duration of the clones.


    • Back Stab can do great damage when initiating, but it can also be saved to interrupt at the opportune moment.
    • Unseen Blade is a great engage tool, but must be used on an opponent who can't dodge it. Try using it when your target is distracted or doesn't see it coming.
    • Skeleton Crew is great when used both offensive and defensively, but the dash alone is usually not enough to get you out of trouble. Make sure to always have enough stamina to escape afterwards.
    • Kajir's focus gives the entire team wallhacks. This can be insanely valuable at higher levels of play, but doesn't do much for beginners. The buffs to move speed and damage are quite substantial, and last long enough to both secure kills and escape to safety afterwards.