Imani (Patch Notes)

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June 2024 Update 2 (Ranked)

Skill Quarrel 2.pngRMB - Silent Scope

Upgrade path R.pngRMB R - Snapshot

  • Reverted changes from the previous patch and restored original functionality.
    • Snapshot buffs damage of the 1x shot by 50%, NOT the 2x shot.
    • old
      • Charge Level 1
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png135 dmg, 1.15s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png140.9 dps with crit.
      • Charge Level 2 Time.png1.5s
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% +200% dmg (270 405 dmg), 1.60s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 303.8 dps with crit.
    • new
      • Charge Level 1
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+50% damage (135 202.5 dmg), 1.15s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png140.9 211.3 dps with crit.
      • Charge Level 2 Time.png1.5s
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% dmg (270 dmg), 1.60s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 dps with crit.

June 2024 Update

Skill Quarrel 2.pngRMB - Silent Scope

Upgrade path R.pngRMB R - Snapshot

  • This change was undocumented in the original patch notes
  • No longer increases damage of uncharged shots by +50%, instead increases damage of charged shots by +100%
  • This upgrade is currently bugged and also scales debuff damage from the Charge Level 2 hit by +200%, making it deadly when used with Q - Special Ammo.
    • old
      • Charge Level 1
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+50% damage (135 202.5 dmg), 1.15s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png140.9 211.3 dps with crit.
      • Charge Level 2 Time.png1.5s
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% dmg (270 dmg), 1.60s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 dps with crit.
    • new
      • Charge Level 1
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png135 dmg, 1.15s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png140.9 dps with crit.
      • Charge Level 2 Time.png1.5s
        • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+100% +200% dmg (270 405 dmg), 1.60s per hit.
        • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png202.5 303.8 dps with crit.

Skill Quarrel 3.pngQ - Special Ammo

Upgrade path LL.pngF LL - Blast Radius

  • No longer applies burn to AoE hits (still burns direct hit target), reduced focus gain 4.4% > 3.2%
    • old
      • On hitting an enemy, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3m radius dealing 50% of hit damage and applying full burn damage.
      • For each enemy hit, gain +11 SquareFocusStatusEffect.png.
    • new
      • On hitting an enemy, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3m radius dealing 50% of hit damage but not applying burn.
      • For each enemy hit, gain +8 SquareFocusStatusEffect.png.

Skill Quarrel F.pngF - Kill Shot

Upgrade path LL.pngF LL - Concentration

  • Reduced focus gain boost +20% > +15%

April 2024 Rampage Edition Release

Skill Quarrel 2.pngRMB, LMB - Silent Scope

  • Slightly reduced damage fall-off distance (this is a fairly significant increase in falloff effect)
    • old - Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 50m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-30% at 60m.
    • new - Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 35m to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-50% at 60m.

Upgrade path RL.pngRMB RL - Combat Sniper

  • Charge Level 1
    • Reduced attack speed bonus: 20% > 10%
      • old - 1.15s 0.93s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png211.3 261.3 dps with crit.
      • new - 1.15s 1.03s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png211.3 235.2 dps with crit.

Skill Quarrel 4.pngE - Smoke Bomb

Upgrade path L.pngE L - Choking Gas

  • Reduced daze duration
    • old - SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 1s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
    • new - SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 0.5s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

SkillShieldAddition.pngT E - Fog of War


  • Reduced damage reduction
    • old - While stealthed, gain +50% SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
    • new - While stealthed, gain +30% SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.

January 2018 Update

Skill Quarrel 1.pngLMB - Autobolts

  • Damage per bolt increased from 55 to 60.

Skill Quarrel 2.pngRMB - Silent Scope

  • Focus gain reduced by ~15%.

October 2017 Update

Skill Quarrel F.pngF - Kill Shot

  • Changed Kill Shot from a projectile attack to a hitscan attack.