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Base Damage

Skill tooltips show the base damage that abilities deal, but keep in mind that damage is almost always modified by one or more of the following factors:

  • SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngArmor - heroes and creatures have 15-25 base armor which can be further modified by status effects. Each 1 armor reduces damage received by 1%, so 15 armor reduces damage by 15%
  • SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngDamage Reduction - this is a stat separate from armor that cannot be modified by other status effects. Damage reduction bonuses from upgrades may be directional, reducing damage from the only the front, or only from the back.
  • SquareCritStatusEffect.pngCrit Chance - critical hits make the damage popup turn yellow and deal 20% more damage (1.2x multiplier, separate from increased damage). Some heroes such as Beckett can raise this multiplier with upgrades.
  • Falloff - many ranged skills have a falloff effect, where their damage is gradually reduced by up to 50% (varies by skill) when the hit occurs at longer ranges.
  • Backstab - damaging an enemy from behind increases damage dealt by 10%. This stacks additively with other sources of increased damage.

Damage Formula


Damage over time effects apply their damage at the bottom of the second upon application, and then once every second for the duration of the effect.


Skills that damage or heal with a beam deal their first tick of damage immediately, then have an internal cooldown before their next tick occurs on any target. It does not matter whether the beam continues being held down during the cooldown, whether the input for the beam is mashed, or whether the beam is not used until the precise moment it comes off cooldown, the tick rate remains the same. Players can take advantage of this on beam skills with low tick rates to move quickly, dodge, or use other skills in between beam ticks. Additionally, players can strafe into and out of cover at the same rate as the beam ticks in order to become harder to hit.

Increased Damage

There are many sources of SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+X% increased damage from skills and upgrades. These bonuses may apply only to a single skill, or to all skills.

There is a soft cap of +50% increased damage - multiple sources of increased damage added together cannot exceed +50% effect, although a single source with higher than 50% will still have full effect.

  • This can be tested with Kajir by using a 3 bar focus, which gives +50% increased damage.
    • A normal dodge attack does a total of 288 dmg against the 15 armor Knossos dummy.
    • Use the 3 bar focus, then use a dodge attack to deal a total of 288 * 1.50 = 432 dmg.
    • Take the F L - Cunning passive to give +15% dodge attack damage, and it now deals 288*1.15 = 332 dmg.
    • Now use the 3 bar focus with the upgrade, and it still only deals 288 * 1.50 = 432 dmg. Even though you have a +50% bonus and a +15% bonus, it gets capped to +50% total.


A Backstab, or back attack, occurs when skills hit the rear edge of a target's hurtbox, causing it to deal SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% damage. What matters is the location that the hit impacts on the target, not the position of where the hit was fired from. As a result it is possible to get a backstab bonus when attacking from the side or even diagonally in front, provided you land hits at the back edge of the target. Note that this applies to any skill including both melee and ranged skills.

This bonus stacks additively with other sources of % increased damage, for example by upgrading Knossos E it gives a +15% damage boost. Combined with the backstab bonus, the total result is 10+15=25% increased damage, not 1.1*1.15=26.5% increased damage.

Headshots do not deal extra damage.

Damage Rounding

Damage in Gigantic generally uses round numbers for base values, although the occasional skill will use decimal values. All actual damage dealt is calculated as a decimal value, as is a character's remaining health. When displayed to a player, each individual instance of damage is rounded down, then added to the floating damage popup on a target. This means that as many hits continue to pile up on the same target, rounding error accumulates and the total damage popup will be lower and lower than the actual damage dealt. How much the damage popup is off varies depending on the ability used and the armor of the target.


SquareDPSStatusEffect.pngDPS, or damage per second, is a useful calculation to make when comparing the damage of fast-hitting, repeatable skills. For example, every hero has a different LMB with a unique base damage and attack rate, so it can be hard to see which ones do more or less damage in a fight, but DPS provides an even way to compare them. It is also useful in comparing multihit skills that tick quickly, such as Dragon's Breath (RMB) on Charnok.

DPS calculations on this wiki are based entirely off of base damage and skill use time, and do not factor in any offensive or defensive factors such as crit chance, backstab, armor, shield, or damage reduction.

Total Damage

SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.pngTotal Damage is a useful calculation to make when comparing the damage of skills that have multiple hits or effects. For example, many skills do a chunk of damage up front and also apply a status effect that deals damage over time, such as Mortar (Q) on HK-206.

Total damage calculations on this wiki are based entirely off of base damage, and do not factor in any offensive or defensive factors such as crit chance, backstab, armor, shield, or damage reduction.