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QHS Stoneskin.png
Role - Frontline
Archetype - Tank / Control
SquareEHPStatusEffect.png2800.0 EHP
SquareHealStatusEffect.png1100 HP
SquareShieldStatusEffect.png1000 HP
SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png25 armor
SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png650 move speed
SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+16.7 shield/s on hit
SquareDPSStatusEffect.png217.2 melee base dps
SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1030.0 total dmg over 5s
SquareFocusStatusEffect.png300 / 450 / 600 damage, launch
Baseline effects
Upgrade effects

SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngDegen ResistanceSquareFocusStatusEffect.pngSquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngSquareCritStatusEffect.pngSquareReduceDamageStatusEffect.pngSquareAcidStatusEffect.pngSquareBleedingStatusEffect.pngSquarePushedStatusEffect.pngSquareDazedStatusEffect.png


Rutger is a tanky melee frontline with fast shield recovery, AoE damage disruption, and utility.

  • He is at home on the front lines of battle, although may need to take quick recovery breaks without a reliable healer.
    • He quickly recovers shield whenever his health is full, even while in combat.
  • Rutger can burrow to dodge the opponents' deadliest skills.
  • He can create walls to temporarily block a doorway or choke point, or to shield an ally from interruption.
  • His focus is great for disruption and mobility, and doesn't require team coordination.

Strong pressure, health/shield management, decision making, and favorable damage trades give Rutger the power to become a persistent threat on the front lines.


Skill Stoneskin 1.png
Digging Claws
LMB - Swipe attacks

Performs a 4 hit combo.

  • Melee, 2.40s per combo, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png175.0 dps.
  • While shielded, restore SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+10 shield per attack that hits (SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+16.7 shield/s).
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png420 total dmg per combo.

When only the first 3 hits are repeated:

  • 1.45s per 3 hits, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png217.2 dps.
Skill Stoneskin 1.png
Sneak Attack
Jump + LMB - Airborne spin

Spin while airborne, landing with a slam.

Skill Stoneskin 1.png
Dodge Attack
Dodge + LMB - Grounded spin

Spin forward with a rolling attack.

Skill Stoneskin 2.png
RMB - Shake the earth

Pound the ground up to 3 times, sending tremors forward.

  • Each pound creates two tremors at 2.5m and 5m, which hit enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius.
  • SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngSlows, -20% move speed for 1s.
  • The 3rd pound sends up spikes with the tremors.
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png100 200 dmg.
    • SquareLaunchedStatusEffect.pngKnocks up 3m high (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png400 total dmg.

Each enemy can only be hit once per pound, the tremors do not double hit.

Tremors can backstab if the center of the AoE is behind the target.

Skill Stoneskin 3.png
Q - Burrow underground

Burrow underground for Time.png2.17s

  • Restores SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+150 shield instantly.
  • Gain SquareInvulnerableStatusEffect.pngimmunity while burrowed.
  • Press Q again to cancel early.
Skill Stoneskin 4.png
Rock Barrier
E - Stone wall

Raise a 3m tall stone wall for Time.png1.75s.

  • Wall acts as terrain and blocks projectiles.
  • Heroes cannot jump over the wall from it's base, but from elevated ground they can land on and jump off the wall.
  • Press E again to cancel early.
Skill Stoneskin F.png
Rock and Roll
F - Spin dash

Charge up for 1.5s, then roll forward at high speed and hit enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 1.5s.

  • Can control Rutger while rolling and jump without cancelling.
  • Gain +40 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor and SquareInvulnerableStatusEffect.pngimmunity to crowd control during charge up and roll.
  • SquareLaunchedStatusEffect.pngLaunches 4.5m high (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
  • SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngFocus increases
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png300 / 450 / 600 dmg.
Skill Stoneskin 1.png
Passive - Shield


  • SquareShieldStatusEffect.png1000 HP max shield.
  • While at full health and not in combat, regenerate SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+343 shield/s (1 tick/s).

Shield does not regenerate out of combat unless health is full.


Skill Stoneskin 1.pngLMB - Digging Claws / Sneak Attack / Dodge Attack

Upgrade Strengthen.png
Clawing for Shield
Upgrade path L.png
LMB L - Shield recovery

Skill Stoneskin 1.pngDigging Claws

  • While shielded, each attack that hits restores SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+10 +20 shield (SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+16.7 +33.3 shield/s).
Upgrade Strengthen.png
Granite Aura
Upgrade path LL.png
LMB LL - Armor aura

Skill Stoneskin 1.pngDigging Claws

  • While shielded, hitting an enemy grants both the enemy and Rutger an aura in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png3.5m radius for 5s.
    • Aura grants +10 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor to Rutger and allies for 1s.

The buff is not gained from jump attacks or dodge attacks.

Upgrade Agility.png
Upgrade path LR.png
LMB LR - Move speed

Skill Stoneskin 1.pngDigging Claws

  • While shielded, hitting an enemy grants Rutger SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+15% move speed for 3s.
  • The buff is not gained from jump attacks or dodge attacks.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Digging Deeper
    Upgrade path R.png
    LMB R - Ignore armor

    Skill Stoneskin 1.pngDigging Claws

  • SquareIgnoreArmorStatusEffect.png40% of damage from this skill ignores armor.
  • This does not apply to jump attacks or dodge attacks;

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Dodging is Critical
    Upgrade path RL.png
    LMB RL - Crit chance

    Skill Stoneskin 1.pngDodge Attack

  • On hit, built-up SquareCritStatusEffect.pngcrit chance for Skill Stoneskin 1.pngDigging Claws is set to 100%.
  • This sets built up crit chance to 100%, but allows it to refresh or decay normally afterwards.

    This does not affect crit chance for jump attacks or dodge attacks.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Upgrade path RR.png
    LMB RR - Jump attack bleeds

    Skill Stoneskin 1.pngSneak Attack

  • On backstab hit, applies SquareBleedingStatusEffect.pngbleed, 30 dmg/s for 3s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png160 250 total dmg.

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngRMB - Tremors

    Upgrade Control.png
    Shaky Ground
    Upgrade path L.png
    RMB L - Increased slow

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

    • SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngMajor slows, -20% -30% move speed for 1s.
    Upgrade Control.png
    After Effects
    Upgrade path LL.png
    RMB LL - Weaken enemies

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

  • SquareReduceDamageStatusEffect.pngWeakens, -25% damage for 5s.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Great Barrier
    Upgrade path LR.png
    RMB LR - Restore shield

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

  • While shielded, first two pounds restore SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+50 shield per tremor AoE that hits (SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+200 total shield).
  • If tremors overlap on the same target or if each tremor hits a different target, both tremors will give +50 shield, resulting in +100 total shield per pound.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Spike Damage
    Upgrade path R.png
    RMB R - Spike damage

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

    • The 3rd pound sends up spikes with the tremors.
      • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png200 400 dmg.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png400 600 total dmg.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Rocked to the core
    Upgrade path RL.png
    RMB RL - Cracked armor

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

    • The 3rd pound sends up spikes with the tremors.
      • SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngCracked armor, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 3s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png600 630 total dmg.
    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Pushing for Focus
    Upgrade path RR.png
    RMB RR - Push, focus

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

    • The 3rd pound sends up spikes with the tremors.
      • SquareLaunchedStatusEffect.pngKnocks up 3m high (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngPushes 7.5m away from tremor center (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • Gain +15 SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus on hit.

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngQ - Burrow

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Protective Plating
    Upgrade path L.png
    Q L - Shield over time

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngBurrow

  • Restores SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+30 shield every 0.3s while burrowed (7 total ticks).
    • SquareShieldStatusEffect.png150 360 total shield recovered.

    The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that it no longer restores +150 shield on use, but it still does.

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Salt of the Earth
    Upgrade path LL.png
    Q LL - Stamina over time

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngBurrow

  • Restores +3.75 SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngstamina every 0.3s while burrowed (8 total ticks).
    • +30 total SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.pngstamina recovered.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Burrowed Time
    Upgrade path LR.png
    Q LR - Longer duration

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngBurrow

    • Burrow underground for Time.png2.17s 3.17s
    • Restores SquareShieldStatusEffect.png+30 shield every 0.3s while burrowed (7 10 total ticks).
    • SquareShieldStatusEffect.png360 450 total shield recovered.
    Upgrade Attack.png
    Seismic Activity
    Upgrade path R.png
    Q R - Teleport hit

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngBurrow

    • Cooldown.png16s 20s cooldown.
  • While burrowed, press Q again to use Skill Stoneskin 3.pngEmerge.
  • Emerge is not used automatically at end of burrow, but must be manually activated.

    Skill Stoneskin 3.png
    Q, Q - Teleport hit

    Teleport and leap out from nearby ground, hitting enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png1.5m radius.

    • Leap 3m high.
    • SquareLaunchedStatusEffect.pngKnocks up 3m high (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

    Rutger can jump attack after the leap.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Give me the Slowdown
    Upgrade path RL.png
    Q RL - Slow enemies

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngEmerge

  • SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngMajor slows, -30% move speed for 2s.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Upgrade path RR.png
    Q RR - Increased height, push

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngEmerge

    • Leap 3m 4.5m high.
  • SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngPushes 5m away (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
  • The knock up and push combine to send enemies diagonally.

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngE - Rock Barrier

    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Rock Solid
    Upgrade path L.png
    E L - Longer duration

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngRock Barrier

    • Raise a 3m tall stone wall for Time.png1.75s 2.75s.
    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Rock of Ages
    Upgrade path LL.png
    E LL - Longer duration

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngRock Barrier

    • Raise a 3m tall stone wall for Time.png2.75s 3.25s.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path LR.png
    E LR - Armor aura

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngRock Barrier

    • Wall gains an armor aura in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png4m radius.
      • Aura grants Rutger and allies +10 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 5s.

    The in-game tooltip incorrectly states this as a 10m radius, but it is actually 2m.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Upgrade path R.png
    E R - Explode wall

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngRock Barrier

  • On skill end or cancel, uses Skill Stoneskin 4.pngCrumble.
  • Skill Stoneskin 4.png
    E, E - Explode wall

    Explode the stone wall, dealing damage in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png4m radius.

    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Cracks in Foundation
    Upgrade path RL.png
    E RL - Cracked armor

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngCrumble

  • SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngCracked armor, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 3s.
  • The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that there is an additional +10 dmg/s, but there is only the 10 dmg/s from cracked armor.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Mineral Heavy
    Upgrade path RR.png
    E RR - Daze enemies

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngCrumble

  • SquareDazedStatusEffect.pngDazes for 0.5s (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

  • Skill Stoneskin F.pngF - Rock and Roll / Passive

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path L.png
    F L - Degen resistance


  • +25% Degen Resistancedegen resistance.
  • Skill Stoneskin F.pngRock and Roll

  • On use, grants +25% Degen Resistancedegen resistance until death.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Battle Ready
    Upgrade path LL.png
    F LL - Damage reduction


  • Gain +10% front SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
  • While attacking, +5% additional front SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Hardened Resolve
    Upgrade path LR.png
    F LR - Increased shield


    • SquareShieldStatusEffect.png1000 1200 HP max shield.
    • SquareEHPStatusEffect.png2800.0 3066.6 EHP.

    This upgrade is currently bugged and does not have any effect until Rutger loses all shield once (or dies).

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Ready to Rock
    Upgrade path R.png
    F R - Damage while shielded


  • While shielded, gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% basic attack damage.
  • This also applies to jump attacks and dodge attacks.

    This upgrade is currently bugged and does not have any effect until Rutger loses all shield once (or dies).

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Life Line
    Upgrade path RL.png
    F RL - Healing and regen


  • Heal+20% self healing.
  • +20% SquareHealStatusEffect.pnghealth regen outside of combat.
  • This does not increase shield recovery or shield regen.

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Focus Buffer
    Upgrade path RR.png
    F RR - Focus while shielded


  • While shielded, gain +25% SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus gain.
  • This upgrade is currently bugged and does not have any effect until Rutger loses all shield once (or dies).


    Mountian Range
    T RMB - Range, damage buff

    Skill Stoneskin 2.pngTremors

    • SquareRangeStatusEffect.png7m 9.5m range.
    • Each pound creates two three tremors at 2.5m, 5m, and 7.5m, which hit enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius.


    • The 3rd pound sends up spikes with the tremors.
      • On hit, gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+15% basic attack damage for 4s.

    This does affect jump attacks and dodge attacks

    T Q - Armor buff

    Skill Stoneskin 3.pngBurrow

  • On end or cancel, gain +5 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 5s.
  • Clash

  • On end or cancel, gain +5 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor per enemy within a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png5m radius for 5s. Stacks 3x.
  • Maximum of +20 armor if unburrowing near 3 enemies after clash (needs testing).

    Rock On
    T E - Reduced cooldown

    Skill Stoneskin 4.pngRock Barrier

    • Cooldown.png16s 14s cooldown.


  • While shielded, Cooldown.png14s 12s cooldown.
  • Notes

    • Don't run out of shield in battle as you have very little health - burrow or retreat when shield gets low.
    • Rutger's small health pool means that he only needs a little bit of healing to reach max health.
      • After being forced to retreat, he can come back into the fight with max health / shields much more quickly than other beefy heroes.
    • Rutger can cast his wall near his feet then immediately jump to land on top of it, enabling him to scale small cliffs.
    • Wall is a great form of CC because it cannot be dodged - even if enemies know it is coming, they have no choice to but wait for the wall to expire, or find a different route around the wall.
    • Wall is also great at blocking high damage enemy skills, especially focuses like HK's, Imani's, and T-MAT's.