Uncle Sven

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Uncle Sven

QHS Alchemist.png
Role - Support
Archetype - Healer / Utility
SquareEHPStatusEffect.png2470.6 EHP
SquareHealStatusEffect.png2100 HP
SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png15 armor
SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png630 move speed
SquareDPSStatusEffect.png112.5 proj base dps
SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png685.0 total dmg over 5s
SquareFocusStatusEffect.png2s / 4s / 6s AoE polymorph
Baseline effects
Upgrade effects



Uncle Sven is a mid-range healer with modest AoE damage and strong utility and AoE healing.

  • Sven throws arcing flasks that allow him to strike enemies hiding behind cover more easily, or attack while behind cover himself.
  • His Q is one of the best utility skills in the game, providing a jump pad for team mobility and plenty of offensive or defensive utility with upgrades.
  • He has great abilities for coordinated teams, as he can crack the armor of an engaged enemy or heal the entire team at once if they group up.
    • On the other hand, he loses a lot of power when his team is uncoordinated or spread out.
  • His focus is one of the strongest disabling effects in the game and hits in a large AoE, making it perfect for turning a teamfight in his favor.

Team coordination, decision making, and great aim are all qualities that enable Uncle Sven to boost his team to victory.


Skill Alchemist 1.png
Fire Flask
LMB - Fire flask

Throws a fire flask in an arc.

  • On impact, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png1.3m radius.
  • Projectile, 0.8s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png112.5 dps.
Skill Alchemist 2.png
Acid Flask
RMB - Acid flask

Throws an acid flask in an arc.

  • On impact, deals initial hit and creates an acid puddle in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 3s.
  • Hit and acid puddle apply SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngCracked armor, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 3s.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png90 total dmg.
Skill Alchemist 3.png
Elastic Ooze
Q - Ooze flask

Throws an ooze flask in an arc.

  • On impact, deals initial hit and creates an ooze puddle in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 5s.
  • Ooze puddle allows Sven and allies to SquareJumpHeightBoostStatusEffect.pngsuper jump for 0.2s.
Skill Alchemist 4.png
Healing Waters
E - Water flask

Throws a water flask in an arc.

  • On impact, deals initial hit and creates a water puddle in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 2.5s.
  • Initial hit heals Heal+250 HP to Sven or allies.
  • Water puddle applies Heal+50 HP/s for 1s.
  • 3-4 total ticks of healing over time, depends on the timing of the throw.
  • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+400-450 total healing.

This skill is currently bugged and always gives Uncle Sven +50 HP/s even when outside of the puddle.

Skill Alchemist F.png
Chaos Quaff
F - Golden flask

Throws a golden flask in a faster arc.

  • Flask has different trajectory from other skills.
  • On hitting an enemy, SquareInterruptedStatusEffect.pngcancels their current action, bounces off, then falls to the ground.
  • On impact with terrain, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png4.5m radius.
  • SquarePolymorphStatusEffect.pngPolymorphs enemies (cancels, slows, and disables actions other than moving and sprinting) (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
  • SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngFocus increases
    • SquarePolymorphStatusEffect.pngPolymorph lasts 2s / 4s / 6s.


Skill Alchemist 1.pngLMB - Fire Flask

Upgrade Attack.png
3, 2, 1, Contact
Upgrade path L.png
LMB L - Direct hit damage

Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

  • On direct hit deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+36 dmg.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png90 126 total direct hit dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png112.5 157.5 direct hit dps.

    This is not treated as 40% increased damage, but as a separate hit with 36 base damage.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Igniter Fluid
    Upgrade path LL.png
    LMB LL - Burns enemies

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

  • On direct hit SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngburns, 40 dmg/s for 3s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png126 246 total direct hit dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png157.5 197.5 direct hit dps.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Burned and Broken
    Upgrade path LR.png
    LMB LR - Broken armor

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

  • On direct hit vs enemies with cracked armor, applies SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngbroken armor, -25 armor and 15 dmg/s for 3s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png126 171 total direct hit dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png157.5 172.5 direct hit dps.

    Cracked armor is not removed when broken armor is applied, so if it has a longer duration armor will still be cracked after broken armor wears off.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Flame Out
    Upgrade path R.png
    LMB R - AoE, damage

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

    • On impact, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png1.3m 2.5m radius.
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png90 100 dmg.
    • 0.8 1.0s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png112.5 100.0 dps.
  • Damage falls off from SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-0% at 1.3m from center to SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png-50% at edge.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Geek Fire
    Upgrade path RL.png
    LMB RL - Burning area

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

  • On impact, creates a burning area in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 2s. This effect has a Cooldown.png6s cooldown.
  • Burning area applies SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngburn, 35 dmg/s for 1s.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png105 total burn dmg.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Slow Roasted
    Upgrade path RR.png
    LMB RR - Weak burn

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

  • SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngBurns, 15 dmg/s for 6s.
  • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png90 total burn dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png112.5 127.5 dps.

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngRMB - Acid Flask

    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Longevity Catalyst
    Upgrade path L.png
    RMB L - Longer lasting puddle

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

    • On impact, deals initial hit and creates an acid puddle in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 3s 6s.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Chemical Burn
    Upgrade path LL.png
    RMB LL - Fire combo burns

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

    • When acid puddle is hit by Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask, create a burning area directly on top of the puddle for 6s.
      • This effect can only occur once per acid puddle.
      • SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngCracked armor, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 3s.
      • SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngBurns, 35 dmg/s for 1s.
      • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png290 total dmg.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Inversion Reaction
    Upgrade path LR.png
    RMB LR - Heal combo immunity

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

    • When acid puddle is hit by Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters, create swirling vapors directly on top of the puddle for 6s.
      • Applies SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngcracked armor to enemies, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 3s.
      • Grants debuff SquareInvulnerableStatusEffect.pngimmunity to Sven and allies for 1s.

    This does not work if a healing puddle is hit by acid, the acid must be put down first.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    A Mean Ole Acid
    Upgrade path R.png
    RMB R - Direct hit damage

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

  • On direct hit, deal SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+90 dmg (applied after cracked armor).
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png90 180 total dmg.
    Upgrade Attack.png
    Rapid Reaction
    Upgrade path RL.png
    RMB RL - Debuff damage

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

  • On direct hit, SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngcracked armor deals 10 50 dmg/s for the first 3s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png180 300 total dmg.
    Upgrade Agility.png
    Acid Reflex
    Upgrade path RR.png
    RMB RR - Reduced cooldown

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

    • Cooldown.png10s 7s cooldown.

    Skill Alchemist 3.pngQ - Elastic Ooze

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Bounces Off Me
    Upgrade path L.png
    Q L - Armor buff

    Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze

  • Ooze puddle grants Sven and allies +10 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 3s.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Super Bounce
    Upgrade path LL.png
    Q LL - Armor, Deflection

    Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze

    • Ooze puddle grants Sven and allies +10 +20 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 3s.
  • On initial hit, closest affected ally to puddle center gains SquareDeflectStatusEffect.pngdeflection for 2s.
  • If Sven is the closest to the center, nobody gains deflection.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Absorption Matrix
    Upgrade path LR.png
    Q LR - Combo heals longer

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

    • Vs heroes affected by Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze's buff, Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters initial hit applies Heal+50 HP/s for 5s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+400-450 +510 total healing.

    Despite the tooltip stating otherwise, the proximity of the two puddles is irrelevant. It only matters that a hero has Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze's SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor buff before Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters' initial hit.

    The healing over time from this upgrade counts as a different source than the baseline healing over time, so will be affected by diminishing returns when both are active for a total heal of +55 HP/s.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Sticks to You
    Upgrade path R.png
    Q R - Push and slow enemies

    Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze

    • Initial hit SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngpushes 5m away (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
      • If the initial hit impacts no enemies, a bubble remains on the puddle which SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngpushes the first enemy to enter.
    • SquareSlowedStatusEffect.pngSlows, -20% move speed for 3s.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Perfect Pitch
    Upgrade path RL.png
    Q RL - Combo burns

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask

    • Enemies affected by Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze who are hit by Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask are set on fire, creating a burning aura in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius for 4s.
      • All enemies including the target SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngburn, 60 dmg/s for 4s.
      • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png240 total dmg.

    The tooltip states that they must be directly hit by Skill Alchemist 1.pngFire Flask, but the explosion radius will also trigger the SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngburn.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Oozing with Confidence
    Upgrade path RR.png
    Q RR - Horizontal launch

    Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze

  • SquareLaunchedStatusEffect.pngLaunches 5m horizontally (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).

  • Skill Alchemist 4.pngE - Healing Waters

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Double Dose
    Upgrade path L.png
    E L - Longer heal

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

    • Water puddle applies Heal+50 HP/s for 1s, then Heal+25 HP/s for 9s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+400-450 +625-675 total healing.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Precision Prescription
    Upgrade path LL.png
    E LL - Low health heal

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

  • On targets below 50% health, initial hit heals Heal+250 +400 HP to Sven and allies.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Healthy Glow
    Upgrade path LR.png
    E LR - Healing aura

    Skill Alchemist 1.pngHealing Waters

    • Targets being healed also gain a healing aura in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius.
      • Aura shares all healing with allies in radius.

    Aura shares both instant and over time healing, but does not double dip (if both heroes have healing from the same source, it only counts once).

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Purest Ingredients
    Upgrade path R.png
    E R - Initial hit purifies

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

  • Initial hit SquarePurifiedStatusEffect.pngpurifies debuffs on Sven and allies.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Persistent Purgative
    Upgrade path RL.png
    E RL - Debuff immunity

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

  • Water puddle applies debuff SquareInvulnerableStatusEffect.pngimmunity to Sven and allies for 1s.
  • This does not apply to crowd control effects.

    The graphical effect for debuff immunity does not show after the first tick, but immunity is active while in the puddle and for 1s after leaving.

    Sven and allies do not need to be hit by the initial hit of this skill to gain debuff immunity, they just need to enter the puddle.

    Upgrade Control.png
    Bitter Medicine
    Upgrade path RR.png
    E RR - Initial hit curses

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

  • Initial hit SquareCursedStatusEffect.pngcurses enemies, prevents buff applications.

  • Skill Alchemist F.pngF - Chaos Quaff / Passive

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Upgrade path L.png
    F L - Focus gain


  • Direct flask projectile hits with any skill gain +40% SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Chaos Theory
    Upgrade path LL.png
    F LL - AoE radius

    Skill Alchemist F.pngChaos Quaff

    • On impact with terrain, explodes in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png4.5m 6.8m radius.

    The in-game AoE ring indicator does not grow to match the new area, but the effect does.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Powerful Chemistry
    Upgrade path LR.png
    F LR - Focus use buffs

    Skill Alchemist F.pngChaos Quaff

  • On use, gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+15% basic attack damage until death.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Focused Healing
    Upgrade path R.png
    F R - Focus use buffs

    Skill Alchemist F.pngChaos Quaff

  • On use, gain Heal+20% healing until death.
  • This buff affects healing done by Sven.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path RL.png
    F RL - Armor on dodge


  • On dodge, gain +15 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 3s.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path RR.png
    F RR - Heal on kill


  • On kill or assist, gain Heal+65 HP/s self healing for 4s.

  • Talents

    Chemical Imbalance
    T RMB - Debuff duration, buff

    Skill Alchemist 2.pngAcid Flask

    • Hit and acid puddle apply SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngCracked armor, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 3s 6s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png90 120 total dmg.

    This seems to also reduce the duration of armor crack from the RMB LL and RMB LR upgrades from 3s to 1s (needs testing).


  • On hit, allies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png10m radius gain SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+10% damage for 5s (needs testing).
  • AttackCooldown.png
    Ooze and Ahhs
    T Q - Reduced cooldown

    Skill Alchemist 3.pngElastic Ooze

    • Cooldown.png14s 12s cooldown.


    • Cooldown.png12s 10s cooldown.
    Potent Medicine
    T E - Healing, focus

    Skill Alchemist 4.pngHealing Waters

  • Heal+15% healing.
  • Clash

  • Gain +5 SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus per affected ally, once per use (needs testing).
  • Notes

    • Watch out for enemies that can apply poison, as it will greatly reduce the amount of healing received by allies.
    • All of Sven's skills besides his ult throw projectiles in the same trajectory, which means you can adjust your aim with LMB before throwing RMB, Q, or E to land in the same location.
    • Elastic Ooze is particularly useful when on attacking rampages, as it allows your team to approach the enemy guardian quickly without taking a lot of damage.
      • It is also great when invading a creature or rotating across the map.
      • Look for places where your team can super jump as a shortcut to their destination.
    • A 1 bar focus is good for interruption, but saving up a 2-3 bars focus is very powerful in team fights, and often leads to multikills.
      • In most cases it is correct to aim Sven's focus at the ground near the target(s) instead of at their body, in order to have it explode faster.