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Role - Support
Archetype - Healer
SquareEHPStatusEffect.png2533.3 EHP
SquareHealStatusEffect.png1900 HP
SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.png25 armor
SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png650 move speed
Heal+150.0 HP base ally hps
SquareDPSStatusEffect.png170.0 beam / 290.0 proj base dps
SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png850.0 total dmg over 5s
SquareFocusStatusEffect.png90% damage reduction, +25% healing
Baseline effects
Upgrade effects



Vadasi is a tanky, short-range healer with high single target healing and decent single target damage.

  • She plays in the middle to the rear of her team, trying to keep as many allies as possible in vision to decide who needs healing the most.
  • Her single target healing is difficult for enemies to out-damage at lower levels of play, making her highly effective for beginners.
  • She has a constant cycle of spending health to empower her abilities, then using the empowered buff to heal herself.
  • Besides being highly effective as a healer, she can also do a surprising amount of damage, especially when built for it.

Cooldown management, team coordination, decision making, and safe positioning allow a Vadasi player to be an unbreakable defender for her team.


Skill Angel 1.png
Ray of Light
LMB - Healing beam

Shoots out a healing beam.

  • Beam, 5.00 hits/s.
  • On hit, ally gains Heal+75 HP/s healing for 0.2s.

This heals for the full amount per tick, and ticks are limited to once per second.

Skill Angel 1.png
Empowered Light
E, LMB - Empowered healing beam

Shoots out an empowered healing beam.

  • Beam, 5.00 hits/s.
    • On hit, ally gains Heal+150 HP/s healing for 0.2s.

This heals for the full amount per tick, and ticks are limited to once per second.

Skill Angel 2.png
RMB - Damaging beam

Shoots out a damaging beam.

  • Beam, 5.00 hits/s, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png65.0 dps.
Skill Angel 2.png
Empowered Smite
E, RMB - Empowered damaging beam

Shoots out an empowered burning beam.

  • Beam, 5.00 hits/s.
  • SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngBurns, 40 dmg/s for 3s.
  • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png170.0 dps.
Skill Angel 3.png
Divine Wind
Q - Healing swirl

Calls forth healing wind.

  • Heal+40 HP/s self healing for 3s.
  • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+120 HP total healing.
Skill Angel 3.png
Empowered Wind
E, Q - Empowered healing swirl

Calls forth empowered healing wind.

  • Heal+80 HP/s self healing for 3s.
  • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+240 HP total healing.
  • Consumes one charged orb.
  • Shares a cooldown with Divine Wind.
Skill Angel 4.png
E - Charge up orbs

Hold to spend health to charge up orbs, gaining one additional charged orb per level, up to 3 maximum.

  • With at least one charged orb, Vadasi will use empowered versions of her skills.
  • Charge Level 1 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-400 HP
    • Orb uncharges after 3s.
  • Charge Level 2 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-550 HP Time.png0.45s
    • Orbs uncharge after 2.5s and 6s.
  • Charge Level 3 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-650 HP Time.png0.90s
    • Orbs uncharge after 2s, 5.5s, and 9s.
  • If Vadasi does not have enough health to spend she will be reduced to 1 HP, but continue charging.

If Vadasi has a charged orb before using this skill, she will lose orbs much more quickly after it ends.

Skill Angel F.png
Sanctum of Faith
F - Damage reduction, healing buff

Become impenetrable to your foes.

  • Gain 90% SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction.
  • Gain Heal+25% increased healing.
  • SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngFocus increases
    • 4s / 6s / 8s duration.

The increased healing buff affects both skills that heal allies and skills that self heal, but does not affect healing from sources other than Vadasi.

The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that Vadasi gains 90% armor, when she actually gains 90% damage reduction.


Skill Angel 1.pngLMB - Ray of Light / Empowered Light

Upgrade Strengthen.png
Upgrade path L.png
LMB L - Increased healing (empowered)

Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

  • Number of charged orbs increases healing.
    • On hit, ally gains Heal+150 +170 / +190 / +210 HP/s healing for 0.2s.
Upgrade Strengthen.png
Righteous Defenses
Upgrade path LL.png
LMB LL - Armor buff (empowered)

Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

  • On hit, ally gains +15 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 0.5s.
  • Note that this skill does hit allies that are at full health, giving them armor.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Life Transfer
    Upgrade path LR.png
    LMB LR - Spend life, increased heal

    Skill Angel 1.pngRay of Light

    • On hit, ally gains Heal+75 +125 HP/s healing for 0.2s.
  • On hit, Vadasi spends SquareHealStatusEffect.png-75 HP/s for 1s.
  • If Vadasi does not have enough health to spend she will be reduced to 1 HP, but continue healing.
  • The first tick of 75 health is spent immediately on hit, with additional ticks being spent every 1s while continuing to heal.

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Light of Judgement
    Upgrade path R.png
    LMB R - Bounce for damage

    Skill Angel 1.pngRay of Light

  • On hit, bounces to an enemy within 5m, deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png10 dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png0 50 dps.

    Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

  • On hit, bounces to an enemy within 5m, deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png20 dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png0 100 dps.
    Upgrade Attack.png
    Upgrade path RL.png
    LMB RL - Crit buildup

    Skill Angel 1.pngRay of Light

    • Each hit builds up +2% SquareCritStatusEffect.pngcrit chance for Skill Angel 2.pngSmite.

    Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

    • Each hit builds up +2% SquareCritStatusEffect.pngcrit chance for Skill Angel 2.pngSmite.

    This builds up crit when the healing beam hits.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path RR.png
    LMB RR - Damage reduction (empowered)

    Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

  • On hitting an enemy, Vadasi gains +15% front SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction for 1s.

  • Skill Angel 2.pngRMB - Smite / Empowered Smite

    Upgrade Attack.png
    Chain Smiting
    Upgrade path L.png
    RMB L - Increased damage

    Skill Angel 2.pngSmite

    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png13 15 dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png65.0 75.0 dps.

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png26 30 dmg.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png170.0 190.0 dps.
    Upgrade Control.png
    Upgrade path LL.png
    RMB LL - Cracked armor (empowered)

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

  • SquareAcidStatusEffect.pngCracked armor, -10 armor and 10 dmg/s for 1s.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png190.0 200.0 dps.

    Note that cracked armor increases the damage dealt by the burn of this skill.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Purifying Flame
    Upgrade path LR.png
    RMB LR - Debuff immunity (empowered)

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

  • On hit, allies within a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m radius of the enemy gain debuff SquareInvulnerableStatusEffect.pngimmunity for 2s.
  • This does not affect Vadasi.

    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Upgrade path R.png
    RMB R - Piercing projectile

    Skill Angel 2.pngSmite

    • Shoots out a damaging beam projectile.
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png13 125 dmg, SquareRangeStatusEffect.png10m 22m range.
    • 0.2s 0.75s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png65.0 166.7 dps.
  • Pierces enemies.
  • Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

    • Shoots out an empowered burning beam projectile.
    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png26 250 dmg, SquareRangeStatusEffect.png10m 22m range.
    • 0.2s 0.75s per hit, SquareDPSStatusEffect.png170.0 373.3 dps.
  • Pierces enemies.
  • Each shot consumes one charged orb.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png340 830 total dmg in 2s.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png1700 2133 total dmg in 10s (2s empowered, 8s normal).
    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Smoldering Judgement
    Upgrade path RL.png
    RMB RL - Damage vs burning

    Skill Angel 2.pngSmite

  • Vs burning enemies, deals 125 179 dmg and refreshes SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngburn, 40 dmg/s for 3s.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png166.7 278.7 dps vs burning enemies.

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

  • Vs burning enemies, deals SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+55 dmg (250 305 dmg) and refreshes SquareBurningStatusEffect.pngburn, 40 dmg/s for 3s.
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png373.3 445.3 dps vs burning enemies.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png830 992 total dmg in 2s vs burning enemies.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png2133 3182 total dmg in 10s vs burning enemies (2s empowered, 8s normal).
    Upgrade Temporal.png
    Eternal Flame
    Upgrade path RR.png
    RMB RR - Keep last orb

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

    • SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png250 187.5 dmg
    • SquareDPSStatusEffect.png373.3 290.0 dps.
    • If more than one charged orb, each shot consumes one charged orb.
    • 3 13 total hits per full charge of Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion.
    • SquareTotalDamageStatusEffect.png830 2837.5 total dmg in 10s (10s empowered).

    The in-game tooltip incorrectly states that the last orb stays charged for 9.5s, but that is not the true effect. It also states that the range increases to 50m, but it does not.

    Skill Angel 3.pngQ - Divine Wind / Empowered Wind

    Upgrade Agility.png
    Keeping the Faith
    Upgrade path L.png
    Q L - Reduced cooldown (empowered)

    Skill Angel 3.pngEmpowered Wind

    • Cooldown.png10s 5s cooldown.

    This allows Empowered Wind to be used twice on a full charge up.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Divine Protection
    Upgrade path LL.png
    Q LL - Damage reduction

    Skill Angel 3.pngDivine Wind

  • Gain +10% front SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction for 3s.
  • Skill Angel 3.pngEmpowered Wind

  • Gain +20% front SquareDamageResistStatusEffect.pngdamage reduction for 3s.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Divine Fury
    Upgrade path LR.png
    Q LR - Attack buff

    Skill Angel 3.pngDivine Wind

  • Skill Angel 2.pngSmite gains SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+15% damage for 3s.
  • Skill Angel 3.pngEmpowered Wind

  • Skill Angel 2.pngSmite gains SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+30% damage for 3s.
  • This buff applies to both Smite and Empowered Smite.

    Upgrade Improvement.png
    A Moment of Prayer
    Upgrade path R.png
    Q R - Improved heal

    Skill Angel 3.pngHoly Wind can now be used by holding Q with charged orbs.

    Skill Angel 3.png
    Holy Wind
    E, Hold Q - Improved healing swirl

    Calls forth improved healing wind.

    • Consumes all charged orbs.
    • Gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+30% move speed for 3s.
    • Number of charged orbs increases
      • Heal+80 / +130 / +180 HP/s self healing for 3s.
      • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+240 / +390 / +540 HP total healing.
    • Shares a cooldown with Divine Wind.
    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Cleansing Wind
    Upgrade path RL.png
    Q RL - Purifies

    Skill Angel 3.pngHoly Wind

  • SquarePurifiedStatusEffect.pngPurifies debuffs on Vadasi.
  • This purifies all debuffs, but cannot pre-emptively cleanse effects like stun or interruption.

    Upgrade Improvement.png
    Holy Gust
    Upgrade path RR.png
    Q RR - Push, gain focus

    Skill Angel 3.pngHoly Wind

  • On use, enemies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png2m are SquarePushedStatusEffect.pngpushed 5m away (SquareInterruptsPowerStatusEffect.pnginterrupts).
  • On push hit, gain +15 SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus.

  • Skill Angel 4.pngE - Devotion

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Resolute Sacrifice
    Upgrade path L.png
    E L - Reduced health cost

    Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion

    • Charge Level 1 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-400 -200 HP
    • Charge Level 2 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-550 -350 HP Time.png0.45s
    • Charge Level 3 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-650 -450 HP Time.png0.90s
    Upgrade Attack.png
    Holy Wrath
    Upgrade path LL.png
    E LL - Crit chance buff

    Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion

  • On use, Vadasi and allies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png5m radius gain +100% SquareCritStatusEffect.pngcrit chance for 3s.
  • Note that if Vadasi does a full charge on Devotion, she will only be able to attack with this buff for 2s.

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path LR.png
    E LR - Armor buff

    Skill Angel 1.pngDevotion

  • On use, Vadasi and allies in a SquareRadiusStatusEffect.png5m radius gain +20 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor for 3s.
  • Upgrade Improvement.png
    Complete Devotion
    Upgrade path R.png
    E R - Healing, damage buff

    Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion

    • Charge Level 3 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-650 HP Time.png0.90s
      • Gain Heal+15% healing and SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+15% damage for 4s.
    Upgrade Agility.png
    Divine Renewal
    Upgrade path RL.png
    E RL - Reduced cooldown

    Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion

    • Charge Level 3 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-650 HP Time.png0.90s
      • Skill Angel 3.pngDivine Wind cooldown recovers by Cooldown.png5s.
    Upgrade Agility.png
    Contemplate the Void
    Upgrade path RR.png
    E RR - Focus gain

    Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion

  • When below 50% health, gain +12.5 SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus per orb charged.
  • This gives focus even when Vadasi cannot pay the full health cost, allowing her to charge focus for free while at 1 HP.

    Skill Angel F.pngF - Sanctum of Faith / Passive

    Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Another's Keeper
    Upgrade path L.png
    F L - Healing, focus gain


  • Heal+10% increased healing.
  • On healing an ally not at full health, gain +5 SquareFocusStatusEffect.pngfocus. This effect has a Cooldown.png5s cooldown.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Focused Healing
    Upgrade path LL.png
    F LL - Focus use buffs

    Skill Angel F.pngSanctum of Faith

  • On use, grants Heal+20% healing until death.
  • Upgrade Strengthen.png
    Upgrade path LR.png
    F LR - Heal on kill


  • On kill or assist, gain Heal+65 HP/s self healing for 4s.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Upgrade path R.png
    F R - Bigger crits

    Skill Angel 2.pngSmite

    • SquareCritStatusEffect.pngCrits deal 1.2x 1.4x damage.

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

    • SquareCritStatusEffect.pngCrits deal 1.2x 1.4x damage.
    Upgrade Attack.png
    Keen Spirit
    Upgrade path RL.png
    F RL - Increased crit chance

    Skill Angel 2.pngEmpowered Smite

  • Gains +24% SquareCritStatusEffect.pngcrit chance.
  • Upgrade Attack.png
    Focused Might
    Upgrade path RR.png
    F RR - Focus use buffs

    Skill Angel F.pngSanctum of Faith

  • On use, grants SquarePowerBoostStatusEffect.png+7% basic attack damage until death. Stacks 2x.

  • Talents

    Swift Deliverance
    T RMB - Move speed, armor

    Skill Angel 1.pngRay of Light

  • On hit, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+15% move speed.
  • Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

  • On hit, gain SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+15% move speed.
  • Clash

    Skill Angel 1.pngRay of Light

  • On use, Vadasi gains +15 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor.
  • Skill Angel 1.pngEmpowered Light

  • On hit, Vadasi gains +15 SquareArmorBoostStatusEffect.pngarmor.
  • This is the only talent in the game that affects an LMB skill, due to Vadasi having her LMB and RMB skills swapped.

    Divine Light
    T Q - Increased healing

    Skill Angel 3.pngDivine Wind

  • Gains Heal+20 HP/s self healing for 3s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+120 +180 HP total healing.

    Skill Angel 3.pngEmpowered Wind

  • Gains Heal+40 HP/s self healing for 3s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+240 +360 HP total healing.


    Skill Angel 3.pngDivine Wind

  • Gains Heal+50 HP/s self healing for 1s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+180 +230 HP total healing.

    Skill Angel 3.pngEmpowered Wind

  • Gains Heal+100 HP/s self healing for 1s.
    • SquareTotalHealingStatusEffect.png+360 +460 HP total healing.

    Note that the clash bonuses only affect the first 1s of healing.

    Spiritual Refreshment
    T E - Stamina, reduced cost

    Skill Angel 4.pngDevotion

  • On use, restores SquareSpeedBoostStatusEffect.png+15 stamina.
  • Clash

  • Charging 3rd orb costs no additional health.
    • Charge Level 3 - SquareHealStatusEffect.png-650 -550 HP Time.png0.90s


    • Watch out for enemies that can apply poison, as it will greatly reduce the amount of healing received by allies.
    • Ray of Light applies healing over time, which means that you can switch between allies quickly to heal multiple targets at the full rate.
      • You can also weave attacks in between healing ticks to get damage in while still fully healing a teammate.
    • Prioritize healing the teammate who is most in danger of dying, not the teammate at the lowest health.
      • If a low health ally has escaped to safety, don't follow after them. Instead, heal your teammates that are still active on the map.
    • Make sure to cast Divine Wind before your last charged orb runs out to maintain your health more easily.
    • Keep an eye on your own health bar, and try not to sacrifice too much health when you are in danger.
    • Vadasi's ult is extremely effective with just 1 bar of focus, so use it as needed.
      • While it can be a good bait when used at low health, it is often more effective to use focus just before taking a lot of damage.
      • The increased healing buff can enable you to save teammates that might otherwise die, don't be afraid to use it just for this reason.